25. The Princess and The Knights

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It was the anticipated day. The day which was the reason I had to tolerate all this hell during these couple of days. Every single afternoon I was sent to the oubliette. At this rate, Father didn't really seem to care if my whole body was full of injuries and be visible to everyone.

I did not have the will to get up and just sprawled with my face on the bed. I wanted to lie on my back but I could not because of these wounds that decorated the entirety of my backside. Even my arms had several marks on them.

Scars over scars and wounds over wounds. I was not sure if the punishment got extremely harsher or was it my healing ability becoming weaker. Maybe it could not handle all the injuries I sustained since it took longer than usual for the pain to subside and disappear.

A loud crashing sound pulled me from my thoughts. I quickly rose and went outside the balcony to see the disturbance all about.

My eyes fixed on the scene below and I was caught off-guard to see a guy clad in a white hood with his butt on the grass. He stood up and rubbed his behind.

"That hurts. Why can't I ever climb a damn tree?!" He complained before kicking the poor tree.

The guy speedily looked up and our gaze met, or rather I should say that my eyes met his hood. But even with that hood, I recognized who he was because of his voice and that white and gold uniform beneath it. There was no way I could forget him.

"Reid?!" I spoke in recognition, accompanied by surprise. "What in the world brought you here?"

He took off his hood and he stared at me for a full second before breaking into an annoying smirk.

"Does a princess really talk in that kind of manner?" Reid prompted.

"Who cares?" I rebutted.

I still remembered our last meeting and he was so brash. Even now, he was acting impudent when he did not even properly greet me.

But then my face contorted in puzzlement to how he even barged into this place. I was about to ask him when a rope flew right on my side. The silver hook at the end stuck in between the railings.


I can't even finish a word and he was already there standing beside me.

"That was fast," I replied in awe, totally forgetting the fact that I was alone with a man inside my very own chamber.

"I'm number one at climbing," he said with a hint of pride.

"But not with trees," I added, rolling my eyes.

"Well, that is a di---" He stopped midway. The flush on his cheeks from his little action stunt a while ago grew deeper as his eyes avoided mine.

Why is he so red? Climbing my chamber is not that tedious, for goodness sake. I thought as I reassessed him. Maybe he was really weak on how easily he got tired.

He cleared his throat and spoke, "As I was saying, climbing a tree is a different matter. I am still the best knight of Deliora. So---"

Their conversation was interrupted yet again. This time, it was due to the urgent knocking coming from the hallway.

"Princess!" It was Xenon.

My eyes widened, flustering from panic due to the sudden situation. Without thinking straight, I did what my guts told me to do— pushing Reid down to the floor.

"Hide! Faster!" I whisper-shouted at him with an alarmed look.

I thrust him under my bed before opening the door. But only a crack, enough for me to be visible.

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