07. The Gem and the Stone

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I was literally dragged all the way to her room. I didn't know what was amusing. The way I was dragged since I was the one holding her hand as she pulls me or the fact that my dress was against propriety.

Willow was undoubtedly correct when she told me I looked like a mess when I caught a glimpse of my reflection. Even the simple braid I did earlier was in tangles along with the torn gown.

Her chamber's door burst open. It was a common guest bed-chamber with polished wood and deep-colored draperies and furniture. There were several maidservants inside that became immobile the moment we walked inside. They lined up and bowed except for the middle-aged woman walking briskly towards us.

"Princess! Where have you been this all time? We were so worried!"

That familiar face of Sandra expressed concern. 

"And who is this?" she queried with furrowed brows.

"Can't you recognize her? She's Carline," informed Willow.

"Oh my goodness! Your highness, who attacked you?"

Laughter was stifled in my mouth at her reaction. Sandra was the same as always. She was her nanny of Willow and had been accompanying her every time.

"We should start preparing for the party," said Willow.

"Then, I'll just be in my room," I persisted.

"No! This is our first party together so I need you to be there!" she disagreed and held my hand but instantly recoiled away.

"Fine, I'll just prepare in my room," I suggested and smiled.

I did not want to owe her much. It was enough that I had her companionship and she remained true to me.

"You can't trick me. I saw your dress earlier and it was not your style. I'm sure your sisters are sabotaging you again."

"That was why I was telling you, it's better to stay in my room," I tried convincing her.

At any rate, it was better to steal if I came as a thief. Willow plainly ignored me and faced her servants.

"I have an extra gown, right? I'm sure there was something that would suit Carline," said Willow and began making orders.

With that, I had no choice but to concede. It was really hard to dissuade her when she was set to something. Just like me. I supposed that was why we got along so well. We sat down as the maidservants did their duties while Sandra started reprimanding Willow.

"The bath is ready, your highness," notified the maidservant.

"I'll go ahead. Relax for a while, Carline," said Willow and disappeared through the doors.

I quietly enjoyed my refreshments and then remembered the bag I kept. I should hide it.

"I'll need to go back to my room for a while," I excused myself.

"But, your highness," opposed Sandra.

"I'll return. I'll just take some things. I could not just shamelessly use Willow's undergarments, right?"

"Then, change into this dress first," said Sandra and picked a beautiful green one.

"No need," I tried to refuse.

"I insist, your highness. No respectable lady, much alone a princess would show this amount of skin," continued Sandra and glanced at my exposed knees.

"Then, please lend me the simplest one," I said in surrender.


After asking the servants about my assigned room, I arrived with no haste. No one was even in my room. We brought plenty of maidservants but no one dared to come for me. They might have been monopolized by Erodessa and Lian again.

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