19. Never Ending Confusion

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Another uneventful week had passed but not today. It was the first day of the new month. The palace was clearly bustling. Even from afar, I could see the steel gates that bounded the palace wide opened. Numerous carriages had entered carrying the guests for this evening.

The only time people could visit the palace was during the birthdays of the royal families, well, except for mine. And today was Lian's. Our father could not prevent visitors as it was proper decorum to invite them.

In the past, I thought it would be a good time to escape but it was just futile since the security was the tightest on the gates and the walls especially during these occasions. 

I stepped back from the balcony and went into the basement. My letter was still there and Cindra had not written back so I went back upstairs.

Cindra and I never had a chance to meet in the basement. Her magic may not seem limited, unlike mine, but it really did have a lot of restrictions. She could not access a portal if another portal was activated by the key as well as the key could not be used if she activated her own portal first nor when two keys were simultaneously inserted in different doors.

I heaved a sigh as I glance at my letter fretfully. Cindra said that Night confirmed he would visit today but it was such a bad timing since the West Wing was heavily guarded at this moment.

Normally, the guards would be patrolling once in a while but even downstairs the balcony, there were knights constantly walking around. I contemplated the whole time.

After my luncheon was done, I finally resolved myself on taking the chance.

I was wearing a day dress so it was pretty much comfortable. It was not the lightest from the bunch but I could manage. Xenon and Gustav checked on me earlier and I estimated that they would be back again before the party would begin.

I took the rope and slid it down the balcony. I slowly descended, finally reaching the bottom. I looked around and I almost screamed in astonishment. There was a man lying right under my balcony!

I did not hear anything from awhile ago. I probably did not sense him since he looked like he was sleeping so there was no movement or anything.

He awkwardly sat up and he looked startled just like I was. He gauchely brushed back his messy black hair and put on the golden mask that matched his light brown eyes.

Nevertheless, it did not do anything to hide the deep gash on the corner of his left mouth but the burns on the right side of his face were completely out of sight.

"Who are you?"

He opened his lips but footsteps came rushing. I grabbed the ladder and pushed my hand to his mouth, our backs laid on the grass. He was stuck on the thorny edges of the bush while I was exposed. I was smaller than him so the tall rows of foliage were able to keep me from the upcoming people's view.

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