18. The Encounter at Mt. Grisly

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A huge arch was standing on the base of Mt. Grisly just what was depicted in the images left by Cindra. The imposing wooden structure was framed by the tall deciduous trees, making it blend into its surroundings.

That's weird. I thought as there was nothing beyond it.

The letter had mentioned a shrine but there was none. We circled around it when Lightning promptly stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong, Lightning?" I asked and I felt his anxiety when he neighed.

All at once, it was very quiet. The hushed sound of insects or any other nocturnal animals earlier had diminished right away. It was dead silence as I felt goosebumps on my neck. The fog instantly thickened. My eyesight was hindered and I needed to rely on my other senses instead.

"A mortal," a baritone voice uttered, disturbing the quietness of the place.

I glimpsed back and saw a man standing right in front of a gate. He was wearing a black cloak with no hood covering his blonde hair.

"You are not allowed here," he spoke as his violet eyes glinted over the white mist.

It was the only visible feature of his face as he was wearing a full black mask with a white vertical streak at the center.

"Why not?"

"Only people blessed by the Goddess can enter this place," answered the man.

Our kingdom was not a religious one so I was pretty sure I was not blessed. If I could not enter then this would be the first time I failed the mission.

"It's better not to wander around this place, young man. There are dangerous men lurking around," he advised but I did not heed.

"I have something to do here," I shot back.

"Well, I warned you. You won't be able to go inside anyway," he muttered and walked right into the middle of the arch.

His whole body vanished as he drifted through it. I guided Lightning and we tracked the man. To my surprise, I fell on my ass as soon as we stepped forward at the entrance. I was alone and there was no sight of Lightning.

I was surrounded by the dense forest once more. I focused on my hearing to know where I was when I picked up someone talking.

"How was it?" It was the man's voice earlier.

"Still nothing. I had to call you since I had no idea how to solv--- Someone's here."

It was Reid's! Or was it King Freed? Anyway, it was that confusing voice again.

Fast-paced steps approached me. I retreated but the injury twinged on my back. The large gashes could take a whole day to heal and I did not want another fight again. The best option is to hide and sneak away but I didn't know the exit.

Within a split second, a black-cloaked figure appeared right in front of me. My mouth hung open.

Is it his magic? I thought. I was completely amazed and how he emerged out of thin air that I had forgotten my plan to elude them.

"You! How come you are here? You're not an Amica!" There was obvious bafflement at his voice. "You didn't even have violet eyes!"

I was currently disguised as the man I defeated earlier so my eyes would surely be a different shade. I did not bother correcting him and probed instead. "What are you talking about?"

"We need to report this to my lady." He did not answer and looked awfully distracted.

"Sullien," interrupted the voice.

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