55. The Goddess' Blessings

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My hands trembled as she got up and approached me. Those serene green eyes stared at me with confusion that reflected in my face as well.

"Carline? Who are these people? How am I alive?"

I could not answer since I was also full of questions. Mother pulled me into an embrace and Reichen loosened his hold on me.

Blankness shrouded my whole being. I could not understand what was going on. I knew Mother was alive but to see her moving and breathing with her warmth engulfing me was a different kind of shock. 

My head nestled in her neck. The fragrance of flowers stuck in her body was the same as I remembered and it felt reassuring but...

Was that it? Did all of this happen just to revive Mother? Did Father offer his life in exchange? But why only now? Was it because of the Lost Treasures?

As I delved my mind deeper questioning what was happening, Mother's hug became tighter and there was a part in me that felt off. I should be rejoicing but I could not shake off the uneasiness.

I looked up and saw Reichen going towards Xenon's body and Blaze was still holding Prince Asher. As for Erodessa, she laid stiffly on the floor like Father.

If I thought about this rationally following the order of events right from Cannaria's possession of Erodessa up until the death of Father, there was certainly something wrong.

Mother stroked my hair similarly to when she comforted me. It was a light pat in between caresses on repeat but I could not get rid of that trepidation. Foreboding washed over me from a suspicion that came into mind as my eyes shifted alternately to the two fallen bodies.

"I miss you, darling," she whispered soothingly, full of infallible tenderness but her words only sent chills to my bones. Mother did call us that but it was also Father's endearment when he was doing his theatrics.

I did not wait any longer and swiftly took my dagger. "Well, I don't."

The impostor was quick too and evaded my attack. I tried another strike but the woman was agile despite using a body that had been lying down for years.

A wave of her hand and the weapons that were scattered in the ground raised and attacked me.

"You're Cannaria!" I shouted in confirmation as she did a similar move earlier.

"It is 'Queen', child," she corrected.

Luckily, Reichen was already by my side and helped me deflect. It was similar to his power and he was able to counter without problems. The weapons dueling each other in midair was a magnificent sight but my main focus was the woman who was using my mother's body.

"Why are you inside Mother's body?"

She cackled so eerily that got me goosebumps rising all over my body. Mother's gentle look morphed into menacing. It was an expression that would never grace her face. The laughter settled down into a wide smile but there was no elegance that I admired. Her smile showed peril and conceit looking at us like we were inferior to her. But it was the reality, how could a mere human match a god in the first place?

The Dark Queen and the Fallen God had attached infamy to their names. One not greater than the other with their equal atrocity that made the people writhe in their wrath. Worse, they were the same person and it was undoubtedly the woman standing in front of me masquerading Mother.

"It seems like you are no fool like your father. It was unfortunate that he was obsessed with a woman."

Cannaria scoffed and glanced at Father's dead body. There was no sign of empathy but there was an unmistaken revulsion.

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