43. Linosas Kingdom of the Far East

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It was a late evening when Sullien delivered a message last night. They finally had a lead to the Lost Treasure located in Deliora Kingdom. With that said, he only came to pass the information since Sullien was responsible for the mission at Druir Woodlands to confirm the newfound discovery from the other day.

If the Crusaders truly located the Reapers headquarters, we could start our attack as soon as possible as we had all approved from the meeting that was also held yesterday. Each of us had been deployed in our tasks and was again divided into who would go with Sullien and who would find the treasures. I volunteered for the latter since stealing had been part of my strengths.

Reichen himself ask me to come with him to get the Lost Treasure in Linosas Kingdom. At first, Blaze was supposed to be Reichen's partner but he was still occupied with that matter on Carrion. I wanted to team up with Willow but she was absent and I hadn't heard anything from her since my birthday. With both having missing partners, Reichen and I naturally decided to be a pair.

"You should return her safely, understood? If something bloody happened to Ace, you'll reciprocate it ten times more." It was another warning from Night that had slowly become a ritual every time we parted ways without him.

"Of course, I would not let any harm come to her. Not in my watch."

His overconfidence earned him a smack from Night. "What's with that arrogant attitude, bastard? You shouldn't dare take advantage of her either. She can be with anyone but you."

"Why? What's wrong with me? As far as I could tell, I'm a perfect candidate."

I grimaced at Reichen's overwhelming conceitedness while they talked as if I was invisible.

"Everything is shady with you, dimwit."

"Not as much as you are. It would be the talk of the town once people learned that the rumored pr---"

"So we are digging dirt, are we? What about a puppet king?" Night rebutted.

Reichen grinned. "I don't care. I came clean with Ace. You better do, too. You might not easily get away as I did."

My ears perked from their conversation. The untold secrets never ceased. The more they were exposed, the more I discovered there were more.

"What is it?" I inserted.

They merely skimmed at me before eyeing each other. One had a challenging stare while the other was clearly backed into a corner.

"What route will you take going to the Far East?"

It was a sorry excuse to divert my attention but I let him be. This was nothing new when it came to Night.

"We'll go through Masiera Range although it may take us a while. Tetrae Lands is not an option and the weather had not been good in the Winterlands," Reichen answered properly when I thought he would not let Night pass.

"Alright. I'm heading to Winlore Kingdom so I'll come with you till we reach the Esrua Forest."

After that, they got along like they had a tacit agreement on not barring Night's secret which made me want to nose around. I could only assume it was highly confidential for them to behave like this.


Unlike the prosperous lands in the west which earned the moniker of Grand West, the kingdoms in the Far East were scattered and lacked the beautiful winter scapes. A kingdom here was a mere city back on the opposite of the Tetrae Lands where we came from.

Princess Thief [✔]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz