21. Verdari, The Magic of Barrier

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The solemn atmosphere was unrelenting as Mhilrim came near me. Her face was so close to mine.

She was watching me like I was a pitiful child. Being pitied by others may be mocking to anyone but not to me. I was so used to hate and indifference that a small change of expression was enough for me.

"This time, I will bestow your name," she said, appeasing the situation.

Her hands reached out and stayed on my temple. 

"How strange..." she mumbled before directing her gaze to me. "Your name is Verdari. Once you awaken, You'll know how to use it naturally."

I obeyed her words and chanted the spell.

"My name is Verdari, awaken."

The moment the last syllable slipped from my lips, a surging pain followed right after. My knees bent from the shock as I felt the tingling sensation numbing my body all over.

"Are you alright?"

"What the hell happened?"

Night and Mhilrim spoke simultaneously and they were right beside me in an instant.

"Quickly, dispel it," ordered Night, and I did what he said.

"Have you lost control before?" asked Mhilrim while Night helped me sit down.

My face contorted into confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Let me enlighten you again. The Amica's gifts are divided into two. Your magic of disguise is a limited type, whereas you have to fulfill certain conditions to use them but this type of magic had skills that could be acquired without awakening. While the magic of barrier is a restricted type. You need to awaken in order to use it and affect the surroundings rather than the person itself. If you felt extreme emotions there is a chance that your power will set free to help you even without awakening and that is dangerous for the restricted types since they might get out of control," she answered without a pause.

If we were talking about feeling extreme emotions, I had experienced it numerous times with Father but the latest was during my fight in Mt. Grisly. I recollected my memories during the fight and how everyone fell unconscious with a single touch to me was still crystal clear.

"The enchantment in this palace is very strong that you would not be able to even awaken or lose control of your magic. It was truly a blessing you had put a barrier to yourself before it was cast to prevent things become worse."

I had not said anything yet but she already seemed to know what I was thinking of. There was a sinking feeling within me. Can it be...

"Yes, child. I can read your mind. It is my gift as the priestess of Amica."

It was quite disturbing how someone can easily read my thoughts.

"Don't worry. I can only read your thoughts when our eyes met and if I wanted to. If you are feeling fine now, try to awaken again."

So that is why. I knew I felt strange with her penetrating gaze. I spoke the chant once again and this time the power coursing within me was not that painful anymore.

A luster similar to a ruby exuded from my body. The faint glow wrapped every inch of me and I tried dissipating it with ease.

Controlling the magic did come instinctively when awakened. I was able to change the barrier with just my thoughts. From inflicting pain on anyone, I decided to make the barrier into something that wouldn't hurt anyone who cared for me.

Unlike the time I awakened as Ace, the changes were fast. It took me a year to realize that I could mimic a voice without awakening and how my memory improved. My magic abetted me to remember every single thing at a glance which allowed me to morph into something easily. Although, touching it was still the best way since no detail would be missed.

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