13. A Visit from Carrion

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It had been five days since the Twilight party. Everything returned to normal as if the visit to Deliora was just a fleeting dream. I settled myself on the couch facing the balcony door with a book in hand. Cindra regularly snuck some novels in the basement from time to time to help me appease my boredom.

In the past, I used to silently stare in space since the servants were not allowed to talk to me unless needed. To enlighten further, the workers assigned to me were mere puppets that were simply decorations blending into the wall until their master ordered them to move.

Not to mention, I only spent days waiting for Father's punishment. Speaking of that... Father had not called me after we got back.

I thought I would totally endure another tribulation right after we came back but there was nothing. He may not have too much free time to punish me every day but he never forgets to do it once to thrice a week.

Someone came knocking and I quickly hid the book underneath the throw pillow. Once I gave my permission, the two maidservants entered with my luncheon. They were followed by Gustav who bowed and greeted me.

"Princess, an envoy from the Carrion Kingdom would arrive. Your presence was requested by his majesty," said Gustav as the other servants laid my food on the small circular table that served as my dining table.

I just nodded and transferred to the wooden seat matching the table. He, then, bid his goodbye, leaving the room as fast as he came.

Taking my time to eat, I wondered why Carrion would visit our kingdom. Mayhap that was what kept him busy? 

Nonetheless, there was one thing that was bothering me. Although a visit from another kingdom was not an unusual occurrence, I was never allowed to meet them before even if it was an important figure. Willow was the only guest so far who could meet me in the palace but that was understandable so I was feeling somewhat perplexed about what changed.

I put down my utensils and took a long deep puff. If one thing remained unchanged that was how I was frequently overthinking when it came to Father's actions. I may not completely understand how his brain worked but based on the time we spent together in that hellhole, I knew he always had a scheme in mind.

He may appear amiable but he held a deep grudge for those who tried to defy him. He was a meticulous planner and most of all, he was the type of person who loved to serve his revenge cold. 

From what I remembered, the most recent person who incurred his wrath was the royals of the Deliora Kingdom. Gustav had also mentioned the alliance between Deliora and Carrion, now Carrion would come. Maybe my speculation was right. Father was really plotting something.

I did not notice the plates had been removed while I was in deep thought. I turned to the maidservants on the side and the freckled one gestured me to the baths.


Cindra's gift was truly a blessing. I finally had the proper dresses to match any occasion. The maidservants did the finishing touches and we left. As usual, Xenon was waiting outside.

"Good afternoon, Princess." He bowed and I caught a glimpse of his neck.

That was a familiar sight. I had seen it in the mirror countless times beforehand. It was the same mark that sometimes appeared when Father was enjoying too much.

A gash from one of Father's favorite whips. It was similar to a stockwhip but it was made from intricate strands of metal braided together. One strike and it felt like a sword slicing through your body.

Princess Thief [✔]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें