• Chp. 14 •

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*Had to delete and reupload but the content is the same*


The sounds around me eventually drowned as my eyes moved along the smooth surface of her skin. What she wore today was a bit different from the usual.

The low neckline exposed the slope of her breast and her back. A few stole stares at her but she didn't seem to notice as she was too occupied at the plate of overwhelming food.

I would've broken a few bones of theirs if it wasn't for tonight. Those looks weren't just a simple curiosity. She was a rare sight to these Dravicks.

The night seemed endless and I grew impatient. In the last few days, a few glances and brush of our skin was our only encounter.

I've waited enough. I whispered for her to follow me back to our room. Her cheeks grew pink and she stumbled in her steps. It seemed she had too much to drink today.

I allowed my arms to swoop under and carry her little form against me.

"N-No I can walk myself. I'm t-too heavy."

"Stay still. It'll take us forever to reach our room with you stumbling like that."

With this she stayed quiet and laid her head slightly against my chest. Her breathings were faint , slightly brushing against my neck.

We pushed past the drapes and placed her across our bed. Her eyes were almost closed, slightly open and staring up at me. It seemed she wanted to say something with her lips parted.

Her soft lips lured me in and I couldn't wait any longer. We had all the time we needed in our hands. This time I would stay beside her until morning. I wouldn't have to leave her.

I took a hold of her wrist and pulled her closer. She lost balance and leaned forward against me. The sleeve of her dress fell down one shoulder and revealed the hills of her breast.

Her round eyes blinked in shock with her cheeks tainted in pink. My lips pressed against hers and her small moans muffled against mine. She was suprised at how rough I was being.

That wasn't my concern. I would do whatever I want tonight. I was clouded over my desires. Even in the carriage, the night before. I wanted to do whatever I could with her. She would have to feed me what I starved.

Her chest heaved up and down as she writhed in my hold. The sweet taste of the wine she drank before lingered in my mouth. Our tongues interwined, pushing and pulling against each other.

When we parted her eyes were only open slightly in a daze. Her warm breaths fanned against my cheeks. And even that pleased me.

My attention shifted to the dress. It was irritating. It outlined the small curves of her body but all I needed now was our skins to touch. My hands traced up to her neck and leaned in to lick across her collar to her neck.


Her hands balled into a fist and pushed against me. But it urged me to do more. Her eyes shut tightly at the sounds. With one pull her dress would fall and she would lay naked before me. Her hands suddenly stopped them and what she did rather surprised me.

Her hands trembled and held onto the loose ribbon holding the last bit of her dress. She nervously looked into me, hesitant to say her words.

"I can d-do it myself. I will..."

She breathed steadily as she looked down and pulled on the ribbon. The dress slithered down her figure and she was entirely bare before me.

I took my time to look at every part of her body as she stood there. My eyes moved across her painted lips down to the shape of her breast. They were full and reminded me of a raindrop. And her rosy buds sat on each calling for my attention. My fingers brushed against it and rubbed with my thumb. I watched as her eyes closed and her breaths started to tremble. She turned away.

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