• Chp. 15 •

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She panted above me as I firmly held her in place. She tightly gripped onto my shoulders as she looked down at me. Watching her above me wasn't bad either.

Her breasts moved with every push I made. There was a thin sheet of sweat glistening on top her chest and pieces of her hair stuck to her body. She was exhausted but her voice was lovely to hear as well. Even her muffled voice that merged with her pants were pleasing to hear. It only stirred me to do more.

I brushed her hair with my fingers, moving her hair to the side. I couldn't help but smile at her state. I loved her this way. Only I would be able to see her like this.



We were skin to skin, panting and intermingled together. His hair fell over his forehead and his broad chest was hovering over me. He laid me against him and reached over to the small pitcher next to the bed. I was parched. My throat felt dry and sore from the constant yelps.

When I got a hold of it I gulped it down. Some of it trickled down the corners of my lips. It was refreshing and instantly cooled my lips.

Khael also took a drink of the remaining water in the pitcher. He raked the sides of his hair back with both hands and glanced back at me. A small smile spread across his face as he reached over to brush my hair.

"Your hair..they remind me of clouds."

His hands gently brushed my hair back as he stared into my eyes.

"I like seeing it down. It suits you very well."

"Y-You like it?"

No one's ever told me my hair was beautiful. I was never fond of them. They never seemed to listen and these curls of mine appeared untamed. I checked the feel of my hair again. I didn't get it. What part of it suited me?

I shivered at the feel of his hand grazing down the side of my waist.

"I can't seem to keep my hands off you. You know I refrained myself tonight. I'm not quite satisfied with just that."

His tongue slid against my neck while his hands came up to gently fondle my breasts.

"Not s-satisfied?"

He wasn't satisfied with this. What should I do...

It must've been the look on my face, he chuckled and stopped what he was doing.

"Don't take every word so seriously, I know when to stop."

I nodded to his words. He pulled me close and had my head rest on his broad chest. The wind that breezed past the curtains was cool but his warmth was enough to put me to sleep.

It was so comfortable and warm next to him. I was afraid this would become a habit of mine. His open arms easily lured me in. It felt as if this was where I belonged.


I managed to open my eyes but it was still dark. I wondered if it was the sun or moon we would see past these curtains.

How long were we in here?

It felt as if days had passed with us intermingled like this. The girls outside didn't intrude as if it was forbidden to come in here.

If one of them came in, I would be too embarrassed to face her. I never got the chance to ask for their names. I wondered what they thought of me.

It wasn't long before my attention shifted to Khael when his arms tighened around my waist. It seemed he was still asleep. It wasn't much of a surprise. After all, he continued on endlessly. My body ached and I felt sore. It was nothing unbearable.

It was too dark in here and the fire was nearly out. I reached for the curtains but his hands followed on top of mine. He opened them just enough to have the sun's rays touching our backs.

His hand interlocked with mine and I felt his warmth right behind me.

"Y-You're awake.."

I reached for the small pillow and held it close to cover my chest. Thankfully, his eyes were still closed as he continued to kiss my back.

"I've been awake."

When I turned to look at him, his eyes were half open and his hair was disheveled. His auburn hair fell across his forehead.

"Enough with the pillow hugs."

He pulled it away from me to see my naked state. He had finally seen me in the light as he wanted. His arms wrapped around me and laid his head against my chest.

I hesitated whether or not I should caress his hair. It looked so soft but he moved away to face me.

"I'll be training with our men for the rest of the day so I won't be able to stay here with you. If you need anything, call the girls outside."

He pressed a kiss on my forehead and started changing for the day. My heart started to pound in an unusual way. It seemed even this short parting had me worried.


Thank you

Sorry for the late update! I'll try to post another chp. this week in between my schedules♡♡♡

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