Chp. 24

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*Roemn = someone from Roem*
(as some of you suggested, thank you)


It was hard to see in here. Only a few candles dimly lit the baths. It felt as if I've been in here for hours. My thoughts lingered on Naibi's words about that girl.

"I'm sure you're aware that Khael's married a Roe. They've returned to Draylum."

"A Dravick and a Roemn..."

"I don't care what you do with her. Kill her if you wish. You do as you please but I want her out of my sight."

What a frightening woman. She had me chuckle.


Without a thought, her name slithered past my lips.

"Who? Who's that?"

One of the girls beside me turned to face me out of curiosity but I didn't bother looking at her. She was awfully close to me in her naked state. Her full breasts pushed against my chest as she peered up at me, begging for my attention.

Her hands caressed my face and had me face her. My eyes trailed down to her chest. Her cheeks were flushed and parts of her wet hair stuck to both her chest and neck.

I noticed her soft skin still held the marks I left on her body. Some were still blooming red and wrapped around her neck. But all of this was so dull. They served nothing of my interest except satisfying my needs.

"Why are you speaking of another woman when I'm with you..I don't like it."

How bothersome.

I beckoned for her to bring the pipe closer. The smoke mingled along with my breath before it diffused into the air. I leaned back, submerged in its effects in my body. It cleared my mind.

"Get off me."

I blew the rest of the smoke into her face and she coughed in response.

"Don't be mistakened. You're here to serve me. All I need from you is to spread those legs of yours."

Her face fit perfectly in my hands. My fingers dug deep into her cheeks so she wouldn't turn away.

"Be grateful. If it wasn't for this pretty face of yours, I wouldn't have spared you. Know your place."

I threw the bag of coins across the table.

"Take your reward and leave."

The others flinched at my cold words. Their faces grew dark and appeared hurt but didn't dare to disobey me. The girls hurried out with just a thin garment to cover themselves.

I despised those that crossed a line like her. Nothing more was in our relationship.

I called for the guards and had them fetch me that girl. I wanted to see for myself if that prostitute's words were true. If this girl, Lilith, really had Khael under her spell then all of this would be too easy.

I've thought over it numerous times now. Killing that girl wouldn't satisfy me at all. I would have him and anything he cherished suffer just as I did. They'll rip and perish in my hands.

"Don't disappoint me...Bring that girl alive."


The clicking hoofbeats came to a stop as we approached the gates to Roem. There were guards outside looking around the perimeters. Those at the front gate grew stiff at our arrival. They held their heads high trying their best to hide their trepidation. It wasn't such a warm welcoming as we expected. Getting through them was quick.

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