Chp. 32

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There was a letter on the table when I woke up. It was the the first time I got to see his handwriting. His large, rough hands managed to write such delicate letters onto the paper. I rubbed my eyes briefly and read the letter. It was simple, just saying he'd be back by dinner.

He only had a day to rest. I wished he wasn't so hard on himself. But it was the work he put into this land that made it what it is now. He was an incredible man so dedicated to his people and that was one of the many things attracting me to him.

I placed the letter beside me and reached for the small mirror on the table. A small smile appeared on my face while I peered at the reflection of the necklace. I held it close. It was precious to me. I would wear it everyday.

Today was the day I would go to Ruel. I planned on talking about my speech disorder to at least give me some ideas to improve. He was someone I could trust. My heart pounded in a strange manner. I wondered if it was from nervousness or even excitement at finally taking a step forward.

I would go to him after breakfast. The same girl was outside by the time I finished washing myself and braided my hair. She had brought that tea for me again along with my breakfast.

"U-Um...I've been sleeping fine now."

She seemed a bit startled at my words and then insisted I should continue drinking it so the effects would last.

"I d-don't think it'll be good to c-constantly rely on this when I c-can't sleep."

Besides, Khael was with me now. I slept surprisingly well in his arms. I blushed at the thought.

After I repeated my words, it seemed she understood and carried it back to the kitchen. I finished the breakfast and headed out in search of Ruel. I was left wandering by the gates near the horse stalls but he wasn't there like the last time I saw him. There was a different boy there and he told me he was probably at the library.


"Well it's practically his personal library since nobody else goes there. He's always been around books."

The library. I never knew there was a library here. The little boy insisted he'd show me the way and walked back to the hilltops. It wasn't far from our room but hidden behind the wheat fields and next to a large tree.

"Watch your step."

There were large stone steps towards the entrance and he pointed to the wooden door.

"T-Thank you for c-coming with me."

I gave a small smile and he was rubbing the back of his neck, laughing.

"Oh, no problem. If you need anything else we're always here to help. Well have a good day, Lady Lilith."

My focus was back on the wooden door. I made steady steps towards it and pushed it forward. A small gush of wind breezed past me from inside. The old bookshelves blocked the light coming from the windows and it was quite dark.

Within seconds, I found myself engrossed in this small library. But for some reason I felt as if I was invading Ruel's private space. I wondered if I should continue.

Yes, it felt wrong. I changed my mind and turned to head back to the door. My eyes widened when I came face to face with Ruel and almost collided onto his chest. He also seemed surprised that I was in here and I stumbled back.


He grabbed me before I collided onto the floor and held me steady. It was only until I took a few breaths did I realize how we were in an uncomfortable situation.

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