Chp. 63

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I thought about it deeply. Besides having these lessons with Ruel, I wanted to practice my speech during my own times. I've realized the best way to practice was to just have a small conversation with our child. The conversations weren't particularly special.

They were simple things like the weather and what crossed my mind. I also wanted to share the things that happened here in Draylum. It was like I was giving him a small tour.

I'll show you a greater world.

I closed my eyes for the faintest memories I had of Roem through the small window in my room. As a child, I thought there was nothing more to it. I never wanted our son to see the world through a small window.

I ended a bit earlier today and decided to go to Khael first since he always came to me. In a way, I wanted it to be a little surprise. I carried a basket full of plums towards the river to wash them. They've cooled in the waters and I gave it a taste. Its sweet juice was perfect to quench my thirst. I brought enough for his men in hopes for it to be a refreshing treat after the trainings. I picked two of the prettiest from the basket and saved them in my pocket for Khael.

The girls walked along with me while providing me shade over my head. By the time I reached their training grounds, I saw that they were bringing their horses back to the stalls.

The boys saw me first and ran towards me to take the basket from me. They were worried that it was too heavy for me to carry.

"T-These plums are delicious. I-It isn't much but I wanted to s-share these with everyone h-here."

The two boys that came to me seemed like they were one of the youngest. They were covered in sweat and apologized for presenting themselves in such a manner. They smiled so sweetly as they took the basket full of plums.

"That's very kind of you. Thank you so much, Lady Lilith."

They turned and shouted back to the others to share the news of my arrival. Some of them had a look of surprise from my sudden visit. My eyes searched for Khael and one of the guys noticed. He told me he was still with Pelipa.

While the others were busy eating the small snack I brought, I walked towards the stalls. I peeked through the wooden door and saw that he was still tending Pelipa. His attention turned towards me from the slight creak of the door.

"Lilith, what are you doing here?"

As expected, he had a look of surprise but I also noticed the small smile appearing across his face.

He's happy to see me...

Seeing his excitement, made my chest bubble.

"What is it?"

He looked down at me with his eyebrows raised in curiosity. I slowly took out the two plums I saved in my pocket. The droplets of water still surround the peel and felt cool on my palms.

"I-I brought plums for you."

I was shy in saying this. I felt it was a silly excuse to see him.

"T-They're very sweet and r-refreshing."

I heard a small chuckle and it made me look up at him. He had such a charming smile plastered on his face for me. He took them out of my hands and took a huge bite out of one of them.

"Mm..You're right. They've ripened well."

I noticed the small beads of sweat sliding down his face. I leaned up on my toes and wiped them with my sleeve. He turned away, telling me my clothes would get dirty.

"I-It's not dirty at all."

I was certainly under a spell. I found it rather attractive when he was sweating and he didn't smell at all. But I did notice the smell from the stalls. It made me awfully nauseous. It was bearable but Khael wanted to get me out of here as fast as he could.

He was almost finished and had me sit on a small wooden bench under a tree outside. When Khael came back his large hand gently rubbed against my belly as he sat beside me. He did this often. He would lean down to kiss it and whispered small conversations. He laid against my lap with the remaining plum in hand.

Sometimes it felt as if he's become more attached to me physically. I've heard some men were more careful around their wives during their pregnancy because they were afraid to hurt the baby. I found it normal if any physical intimacy became less frequent. But Khael was different.

The other night I started to bleed not too long after we made love and Khael was shocked from the sight. I've never seen him make such a face before. It was as if he had seen a ghost. Khael called for the healer immediately because he was worried he possibly hurt our child in the midst of it all.

Thankfully, our child was safe. But the healer warned Khael to be more gentle with me. Khael rubbed the back of his head from his words. I hid inside the covers during their talk but it was only then he started to think of it more seriously.

Just thinking about it all made me cover my face from embarrassment. Khael considered it important to express his feelings and these were his ways. For sure, this is one thing I've learned from him because it was not something I was used to. It didn't change the fact that I wanted to share this warmth to our son too.

Although I did notice he was more careful, he continued to show me his love so clearly. Laurdes had told me a woman becomes even more beautiful when she receives a lot of love. Oddly enough, the girls have been complimenting me often. I felt shy whenever hearing these things.

"They're like plums."

When I looked down, I found him looking up at me with the remaining plum in hand. I wondered what he was referring to.

"Your cheeks are like these ripened plums."

"M-My cheeks?"

My eyes widened when he suddenly got up and lightly bit onto my left cheek. My hand immediately came up to guard them and rubbed them gently.

"This one looks tastier."

"S-Stop it, Khael."

But even as I said this, he continued to nibble on my cheek.

"G-Give it to me if y-you're not going to eat it."

I reached over to the last plum in his hand and took a bite of it myself. His chuckles faded and he looked at me dearly as he spoke to me. He promised to take me to his favorite places beyond Draylum when the time comes. As of now, he was very cautious of bringing me outside with our baby.

There was one thing that crossed my mind in the midst of our conversation. I was sure it wasn't something Khael would've liked but I needed to ask.


"What is it?"

"A-About our child, will we share the n-news with my sisters.."


I felt that she would ask me sooner or later. I certainly did not have plans of having the Pensingtons in any part of our future. I didn't see the need for it at all. Although they were related by blood, I did not consider them as Lilith's family. To me, they were mere leeches ready to feed off of us.

The Pensingtons were no longer holding their estates. With a few words with King Brennus of Roem, it wasn't such a difficult matter to accomplish. They were never to contact Lilith again. Perhaps it was best if I told her the truth but knowing Lilith, I knew she would feel responsible for their banishment.

I've only told her they've departed without a word. When she asked where, I did not tell her but only told her they were in good health the last time I had met them. I wanted her to think of only the good that was to happen in our future. Our family.

It was better to get rid of anything that could cause harm to Lilith. I would not take even the slightest chances


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