Chp. 62

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The sun was scorching hot, practically burning our skin. The heat was never a problem for us but there was no wind. The wind was as still as ever. Lilith was never used to such climates before and I was worried for her.

"It's the hottest it's ever been. How will we store the ice when the merchants come?"

One of the guards at the gates wiped his forehead as he mumbled in concern.

Delays with delivering or receiving our goods were never an occurrence. This was especially important because these goods were sensitive to time. Ice was an essential part of keeping our meat fresh and well preserved especially with the climate in Draylum.

Errors to predicting the weather were rare but it must've been the madness of the weather recently, the merchants had missed their timing.

Even if the merchants were bringing the ice well preserved, I doubted they would last long as we needed them to be.

"At this rate we'll lose more than half of our trade before it reaches us. What should we do, Chief?"

Yakhchal, the ice houses we used to store our food and ice had enough to last us through half the month. If that was the case, we still had some time.

"We'll see what is left of our trade. Any losses will have to be compensated."

Some of the guards returned to the ice houses to prepare for what was to come in the next few days. My attention shifted when I heard chattering in the background. I recognized their voices to be Ruel and Lucan.

"Since when did you carry around something like this? You always hated standing out."

Lucan chuckled as he observed the small knife encased with embedded jewels, hanging from his neck. He turned it from side to side but Ruel grabbed it out of his hand and placed it under his tunic.

"Did I say that?..Well, I've come to like it."

When Lucan asked where he got the knife he only answered that it was a small gift.


"It's alright. Take your time."

Ruel asked me to read for him. This sudden request made my heart beat. I felt nervous at the thought of someone listening to me. I thought of all the possible mistakes I would make and how oddly I would sound when I stuttered through every word. I would certainly ruin the story.

But I was aware I would never be able to improve if I only listened to him reading. I wanted to speak naturally like everyone else did. Before I could speak to anyone without being so terrified of such mistakes, I would have to practice and get used to simple things like reading these short stories without difficulty.

"You don't have to worry about being perfect, Lady Lilith. Take your time."


When I hesitated to read it alone, he offered to go first and had me recite it after. Ruel explained to just follow how he read to me and to get a feel of the flow of my own words. He remained patient even when I was going at a pace of a snail.

At one point, he gave me time to rest and to get some fresh air. By the time I returned, there were little tapping sounds of some sort every now and then. I stopped at the sounds in the library. I took quiet steps, approaching closer to the table by the tainted windows.

When I peeked around the corner of a bookshelf, I saw Ruel in the same spot. The evening rays of the sun kissed his cheek while he was absorbed in the wooden sculptures taking its shape in his hands.

He was using the knife I gave him. The sharp edges of the knife sawed through the wood. I did not want to disturb him and wanted to wait until he was finished but his senses were sharp and quickly noticed my presence. I didn't have to be worried as it seemed he was finished with the sculpture.

"I-I apologize. I've kept you w-waiting."

"Actually, I found the time quite useful."

He held out the small figure towards me. It appeared to be a small fairy looking shyly at the floor.

"T-This is for m-me?.."

It was his first time carving anything other than an animal.

"I wasn't sure if I would finish in time. That being said, why don't we stop here. After all, it's your first day."


I flinched to the sound of the wooden door hit against the wall. When I turned towards the door, I found Khael leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

I held the wooden carving close to my chest and walked towards him.

"K-Khael. What are you d-doing here?"

His fingers gently brushed my hair behind my ear as he looked down at me.

"The guards told me that you were still in the library. It's getting late and I wanted to come myself."

The warmth in his eyes disappeared when he took notice of Ruel approaching closer. He closed the books that were splayed out across the table as he stood from the chair. He turned the corner of the bookshelf and walked towards Khael.

"You've kept her late."

"We were just about to finish."

Before Ruel excused himself, Khael told him to be aware of the time. A married woman must not be alone with a man late at night. That was what I was told a lady should do.

I was sure Khael would feel the same way. But still I wanted to assure him, Ruel was no one to worry about.

"It's not him I'm worried about. It's you. I wish you would not overwork yourself, especially when this is your first day."

I peered up at him and saw the candle light flickering, casting its light on parts of his face. I noticed the thin sheet of sweat, glistening off his face that told me he came her right after his training.

With the back of my hand, I gently wiped his forehead. His eyes slightly widened at my gesture.

With that same expression...

"I-I am not overworking myself. I want to K-Khael."

I want to protect him, us, in my own way.


Thank you for waiting

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