Chp. 26

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The glasses scatterred on the floor. I stumbled back and from the sounds of it a few pieces were stuck to the bottom of my feet. The tears trickled down my face as father approached to strike me again. I was terrified of what would happen.

"Come back here!"

I was gasping for air as I ran out past the gates and into the village. My tears streamed passed down my cheeks as I continued to run. It was only when I found myself at an alley that I took the moment to breathe and I noticed I was barefoot. I stared at the blotches that appeared on the ground as my tears seeped in.

Father was relentlessly cold to me but I've never seen him so angry. After today, he made sure to lock me up where no one would ever have to see me again. Rumors started to go around that I was a child of abnormality that tainted the name of the Pensingtons.

The words my sisters expressed continuously roamed in my head. It was the first time I knew their feelings for me.

"You're an embarrassment. It's all your fault. If only you weren't born, Mother would also still be alive. I wish you could just disappear..."

But what I remembered the most was how they looked at me. I clenched onto my chest. I wasn't sure if it was because I ran but I couldn't breathe. It felt as if there was a large rock sitting on my chest.

By the time I realized, hours had passed and I found myself approaching a village. It was a small town where a few kids ran about behind the wooden fence. A small group of families gathered and lived together. There was one woman outside carrying a bucket of water towards the kitchen but she stopped when she saw me.

It seemed she thought of me as a lost child. She treated the small wounds that covered my body but never questioned me about anything. I didn't want to speak of anything.

I thanked her deeply as I knew this would be the last time I would see her. At least for a while. I wondered if I would ever have a chance to come outside again.

She never asked for my name and nor did I. The only thing she placed in my hand was a piece of soft bread wrapped in dried leaves. I had to return soon. I promised I would return to repay her. Someday I would.

My heavy steps brought me back to our front gate but the whole house was submerged in silence. It was strange. When I walked closer towards the stairwell my eyes widened at what laid before me.

Laurdes. She was laying on the floor bruised and the tips of her fingernails were bleeding. I saw father's large figure hovering over her with the cane he used to strike us.

It was never something I imagined. If I didn't suffer the consequences, those I loved and cared for would pay for it. Father embedded that clearly today.


It was still dark when I steadily opened my eyes. I shifted up to lay against the bed as it seemed I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. It's been a while since I had such dreams. Now that I was alone, these dreams also returned. I assured myself that it would be fine. It wasn't anything I couldn't endure.

My eyes fell on the cup of tea that was beside the bed. A small smile crept up my face. Ever since Khael's absence it was hard for me to sleep but this tea soothed me greatly. I started to see that girl more often than Cree and Cicili. I wondered where they had gone.


"When I first heard about the marriage, I was afraid of what this would bring her. But it seems I was wrong...You might be who Lilith needs the most right now."

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