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Harry's POV

I don't remember exactly what happened in the room with the mirror that night but I do remember some things.

I was sat in front of the mirror as usual but saw something in the background, when I turned to see who it was, Professor Dumbledore was stood there. That's where I started to not remember things.

He had a smile on his face as he spoke but I felt my mind go a little foggy as if someone had stuffed it with cotton wool.

As we spoke, I couldn't remember why I didn't like him so much, everything he was doing was for the greater good of the wizard if world, who was I to be so selfish as to put myself before an entire world of people? My life was nothing compared to that many people, I was starting to understand.

Me going back to the Dursley's would be good for everyone. He was right, it was safe there because it would help keep other people safe.

Once we had finished talking, I knew this was true. He had been right all along and I was just being selfish. Professor Dumbledore was looking out for everyone.

When the headmaster left, I took one last look at the mirror and said my last goodbye to my parents who just smiled and waved back at me.

I picked up my invisibility cloak and began walking out but before I could reach the door, Draco walked in and shut the door behind him.

"Harry," he spoke, "I don't know why but that awful man we call our headmaster just had you under the confundus charm. I saw it, your eyes clouded over and you were really out of it."

He had to be seeing things or just making it up. Those were the only solutions in my mind so that's what I said.

"Draco, I don't know what you think you saw but you're wrong. All Professor Dumbledore did was help me understand why I shouldn't be coming here. He's helping," I told him, confident in my words.

His face dropped as he looked at me, shocked, "you surely don't believe that, Har. That man is horrible."

It was my turn to look shocked, "all he's doing is helping people, what's so horrible about that? Absolutely nothing, that's what."

Draco looked at me, disbelief evident on his face as his temper threatened to show.

I wasn't sure what he was angry about, I had only spoken the truth, or what I believed to be the truth at the time, but I did know that I was scared. When people got angry, I usually got hurt.

A/N hey guys, I know it's short again but it's better than nothing, right? I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Anyway, guess who has to self isolate for two weeks again? My test results were negative but someone I know must've tested positive. My two friends and I all got sent home on Friday because of it. This should be fun *read in sarcastic voice*.

I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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