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Harry's POV:

"Now, Mr Potter, Professor Snape has given me a brief description of why he brought you here. I would like your side of the story if you don't mind please," she told me once I looked properly at her. I could tell she wasn't asking for my side of the story, she was demanding it.

"I assure you I'm fine, I don't see any reason why I'm here other than my small appetite," I told her, knowing exactly why I was here. Snape suspected something wasn't right at home. I don't think it's as bad as others may make out, sure it isn't ideal and it's frowned upon greatly but I always deserved it. That was what I was always told anyway. I was sure he was making a big deal out of nothing.

She gave me a look that suggested that she didn't quite believe me yet carried on asking questions, "What do you think your daily intake of food is, Mr Potter? Would you say it was healthy or no?"

I sat and thought about it. "I suppose it's not exactly as much as my piers but it's not like I don't eat anything," I told her slowly.

Madam Pomfrey nodded and wrote something down on a piece of parchment. "How would you describe your home life Mr Potter? Are your relatives nice?"

Again, I thought about it carefully before finally saying, "My home life is okay I suppose. I certainly don't think there's anything wrong with it. My relatives can be nice some of the time, sometimes my cousin likes to play a bit rough but that's normal as far as I know." Yet again, the nurse wrote something down.

"I would like to do a scan, Mr Potter, of all your possible health concerns. The portion of food Professor Snape described is certainly not normal. This scan will reveal anything that may have caused this to happen. It shows all current injuries and abnormalities within your body. As I'm performing the charm, you will feel small tingles and maybe a few little pricks. You may want to refrain from moving too much, it may disrupt the scan and we would have to start over," she explained. I had a feeling Snape had told her about my need to read lips as I don't think she usually talks as slow as she was.

After her explanation, I attempted to get up. "I'm sorry, miss, but there is no reason for me to be here. I don't need a scan to show why I'm not eating the 'right amount', there's no reason other than the fact I've never eaten much. Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to get back into my clothes and leave." Just as I finished talking, Snape walked in.

"Mr Potter, you are not permitted to leave until either of us tells you so. Another thing, those clothes you had on previously, they seem to belong to Mr Malfoy as they are labelled so. Where might your own clothes be?" He questioned, his eyebrow raised.

A light blush crept up on my cheeks at this, "Well, I er, my dorm mates may have nicked them and given me these instead. I didn't want to take Draco's clothes, promise! He gave them to me and wouldn't let me return them." I hung my head but a hand gently lifted my head back up to look at Snape.

"Why was that, Po- Harry? Was there any reason for your dorm mates to do this? Was it spiteful?" I shook my head at the last one.

"No, it wasn't bullying if that's what you're thinking. I suppose my old clothes were a little bit big and baggy on me as well as a little old," I explained to my head of house.

As I was talking, I was slowly moving to grab my clothes and run before the nurse could do the stupid scan. If she did that scan, I don't even know what would happen. All I know is that I feel it would probably change everything massively.

Just as I got to the clothes and reached back for them, a strong pair of hands pulled me away from them then snatched the clothes up to stop me getting them back. I glared at Snape but didn't move from where he'd put me.

"Potter, you need to do the scan. It isn't an option. If the scan shows the results I think it will, action will need to be taken immediately. If not, you are free to go. For now, you shall stay here until we have seen the results. You shall cooperate with what we say or you shall be here for longer," he told me with a stern expression, "Now, please lay on the bed for the scan to begin."

I stayed where I was, not wanting this to happen. It couldn't happen. My relatives would murder me if anyone found out anything.

A/n hey guys, sorry for the kinda short chapter again. Also, sorry for any confusion from yesterday. As explained in a reply to one of the comments, I let my little sister read the unfinished chapter and she accidentally pressed publish. I'm trying to get these chapters up quickly but that might mean they're a bit short sometimes. Thank you all for reading, I appreciate all of you so much and I don't understand why so many people have read this story, really. How did so many people end up reading it???:

 How did so many people end up reading it???:

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Thank you all so much x


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