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Harry's POV

Dinner wasn't very exciting, we mainly just sat and chatted about random subjects but soon came the time for me to go to detention.

I slowly made my way to Snape's office after saying bye to my friends.

Once there, I debated on whether to knock and open the door or just wait outside. In the end, I went for the latter thinking that the professor probably wouldn't be happy if I just opened the door even if I had knocked beforehand.

I waited for a few moments before the door swung open and I was greeted with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, what are you doing out here? You're late." With that, he walked back inside, leaving his door open for me.

I walked in quickly and shut the door behind me. He motioned for me to have a seat opposite from him, where I had sat earlier that day. I sat down and remained silent, waiting for him to speak first which he did.

"So, Mr Potter, I assume you know what you're here for?"

"Mhm," I hummed in response and gave a slight nod. "I'm here for detention, sir."

Snape looked incredibly shocked at this and shook his head, "Dear Merlin, child, that's not why you're here at all. Why on earth would you think that after today? You're here because as your head of house, it's my responsibility to make sure you are safe. Before I can do that, I need to talk with you and possibly the headmaster," he explained.


"So, Mr Potter, before we take this any further, I need your consent to be able to contact anyone who may help us. We shall try to remove you from your relatives and place you in a safer, more healthy environment. May that be with someone who had a connection to your parents and you or elsewhere, we aren't sure yet."

I didn't know what to say, they were going to take me away from my horrible aunt and uncle but at the same time, what if no one would take me. What if I'm too freaky for anyone to handle. I don't think I could take the pain of being rejected. As I thought this, I was more reluctant to agree to take this further but Madame Pomfrey entered my mind, making me think of our lists we made. The pros of going through with things like this outweighed the cons by a mile.

"I think we should go through with this. We've already got this far, I suppose it would be better to get away from... them," I finally answered.

The professor nodded, "That's true, Potter. Well, the first course of action is to go to the headmaster as he has influence in the ministry of magic. With this influence, he can help us win a case against your relatives and get custody. Would you like to proceed with this now?"

I nodded and Snape stood up, motioning for me to follow him so I did. He lead me through a lot of corridors and up a lot of stairs before we reached an alcove with a statue of a winged creature in it.

Professor Snape muttered something that looked suspiciously like "sherbet lemons". Wasn't that a type of muggle sweet? I'm sure I've seen Dudley eating those before.

To my surprise, the statue moved and stairs started ascending and Snape stepped onto them, I quickly followed him. The stairs stopped at a wooden door that Snape opened without even knocking.

Behind the desk, sat the old man from the speech yesterday. Up close, I could see the twinkle in his blue eyes through his half moon spectacles. He looked nice enough so far, but looks are deceiving. Sometimes the nicest person looked the meanest and vice versa.

He motioned for the two of us to have a seat in front of his cluttered desk.

The desk was covered in odd little trinkets. Some of them spun, some blew steam out of strange looking spouts or out of seemingly solid places.

A magnificent looking bird stood proudly on a large perch near the desk, it's red, orange and almost golden feathers shimmering slightly in the sunlight filtering through a high up window. I found myself unable to look away from the regal bird until I felt a small nudge that made me flinch but I soon realised that it was Professor Snape trying to get my attention.

He gave a small nod towards the headmaster sat in front of us who smiled, "I see you've met Fawkes. He's quite the sight isn't he? All phoenixes are. His song is truly the most amazing thing one could ever hear in their lifetime. Would you care for a sherbet lemon?"

I shook my head, slightly upset. Obviously I knew Professor Dumbledore didn't know I was deaf but that never stops it from hurting any less. A look to Snape told me that he was annoyed by the headmaster's comment though Dumbledore watched with a smile plastered onto his face as he placed a sweet in his mouth.

"Is there something wrong, Severus?" He asked still with that stupid smile to which Snape glared at.

"Albus, I already informed you of Mr Potter's disability, have I not? That was incredibly insensitive to say," he said, the glare countering the old man's smile.

Dumbledore waved off Snape's comment and changed the subject, "So, what brings you two here?"

Professor Snape answered with, "Poppy and I have received some information about Potter's home life that is quite disturbing. We believe it best to remove him from the situation as he is not safe in the Dursley's house."

Tho old man looked shocked. "I'm sorry, Severus, but under no circumstance are we removing Harry from his relatives. He is safer there than anywhere else," he told us which almost made me break down right then and there but I didn't and stayed as calm as possible.

"Albus, he is in more danger there than he is in a place with no wards. He is severely malnourished, extremely short for his age and has hundreds of scars and bruises littering his body. You cannot tell me that leads to a safe, happy environment, that very obviously leads to abuse!" By the end, Snape was stood up leaning over the desk a little.

"Severus, I am not taking him away from the safest place for him."

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