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Harry's POV:

After the troll incident, our little group accepted Hermione into our ranks and we became closer than ever. Apparently fighting a troll is a bonding experience.

Since Hermione joined our little group of friends, her and Pansy became joined at the hip, she always sat at the Slytherin table with us and aided Pansy with making me eat more to try gain a healthy appetite. Between the two of them, there was nothing they couldn't force us into doing. They even made sure we ate healthily and wouldn't let us have anything remotely sugary until after dinner. The one time Draco tried defying them, he deeply regretted it. Let's just say, they know a lot of hexes.

Near the beginning of Hermione becoming our friend, I still hadn't told her that I was deaf. The moment I told her, I was walking the corridors alone, not really paying much attention when the bushy haired girl caught up to me, twirling her wand.

"Hey, Harry," she greeted happily, I noticed her look back and snicker a little so I turned to see what was funny, it turns out that she had hexed two Ravenclaws from an older year.

"Hi, Hermione," I smiled then motioned to the Ravenclaws, "what happened to them?"

She shrugged slightly, "oh, nothing they didn't deserve. They were calling you names as you walked past. I thought you were just ignoring them but I feel like there's more to it," she looked at me with a serious look, "I've felt like that since I met you, honestly. You're hiding something from me and I think I know what it is. Don't worry, I'm not going to force you to tell me anything but I do have my suspicions."

I felt a faint pink spread across my cheeks, I didn't think I was that obvious with hiding something but since she already suspected me and I doubt she would go around telling everyone, I decided it was time, I was going to tell Hermione.

"I'm not going to lie to you Hermione, I have been hiding something from you. The others all know but hardly anyone else does so please don't tell anyone. All the teachers know already, don't worry," I looked at Hermione and saw that I had her full attention, "okay, so, here goes nothing, I'm deaf. I'm sorry it took this long for me to tell you, I just needed the time to be right and I totally understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. I hope you don't mind still being my friend though because I really like being yours."

The young witch just smiled and brought me into a quick hug. When she pulled away, a smile was still on her face. "Oh, Harry, I'd never stop being your friend over something like that. I get why you didn't tell me right away, it's a big thing and you don't want extra attention. I'll do my best to help you in any way if you need it. Like in class, if you don't know what someone's saying. I could even give you copies of my notes if you can't take them yourself."

Honestly, it always surprises me how supportive people are here compared to back home though it's always a pleasant surprise so it's all okay.

A/N hey guys, I know it's really short especially for the amount of time it's taken to come out. Honestly, this is just a filler chapter to carry the story to the next chapter.

Also, I have a question for everyone, would you read an original book if I wrote one? Please be honest, I don't mind if you wouldn't. I'm just curious.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this very short chapter and I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x

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