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Draco's POV

Harry left for detention a while ago, I felt bad, he shouldn't have had to go to detention since he did absolutely nothing wrong, Sev just didn't like to be wrong, plus, he hated the Potters with a burning passion.

I've been told stories hundreds of times, how James Potter was a bully with his little gang of miscreants, running around pulling horrid pranks on everyone, especially Severus and never getting more than a detention or a few house points removed. I've been told about the amazing, accepting Lily Evans who at first hated James Potter and looked at him as though he were nothing more than gum on her shoe. How all that changed in what felt like a second. How free amazing Lily Evans fell for the miscreant, James Potter rather than Severus. She fell for the 'arrogant toe rag' she hated so much over her best friend, who admittedly made some huge mistakes involving degrading insults.

He made mistakes in his life that he desperately wishes he could fix but in the end, he hated the Potter more than anything and that became bigger than his want to make it up to his now dead best friend. That's probably why he didn't stop the detention, to prove that he wouldn't let up for anyone, especially someone in the family he despises so much.

Pansy, Blaise and I, again, just sat in the boys dorm.

Once again, Pansy took a seat on the desk, well not so much sitting down as sprawling out. She was laid down on the wooden surface, Harry's pillow was borrowed to prop her head up as she stared at the ceiling above her. Blaise was sat in the chair at the other desk while I was sat against the headboard of my bed, listening to Pansy talk about the muggle book series Millie was reading at the moment.

"So then, they went to a school and found two other demigods that Grover had found and started to take them to camp when a teacher stopped them. He wasn't actually a teacher though, he was a monster that attacked them all and..." I drowned her out, too busy thinking. Don't get me wrong, I love Pans and I would usually listen to her but right now I had things on my mind, like Harry for example.

I know that boy has something to hide and I will find out eventually. For now, I can't do much but wait. I have ideas of course but that doesn't mean I'm right and I'm not going to jump to conclusions anytime soon. Another thing is that I don't want to loose Harry as a friend just springing things on him like what I think's going on, what if I'm not right? If I'm not right, he'd be mad at me and may not even speak to me ever again, I certainly wouldn't if someone just asked me if I was abused at home. The sad thing is, I actually think Harry would forgive me in no time without me even earning it, he's just that sort of person, like earlier that morning when I took his blanket to wake him up and he just told me to keep it, it was obvious something wasn't right, he was too dismissive, like it happened a lot. It was as though someone had trained him to just let people do whatever to him without any backlash.

Soon, I was snapped out of my thoughts by an annoyed sounding Pansy.

"Draco Malfoy, are you even listening to me? I swear to Merlin, if you don't start listening to me right now, I will hex your arse into next week!"

"Merlin, Pans, I'm listening! Sorry, I got a little distracted," I told her, meeting her glare with apologetic eyes.

"Fine, tell us what you were thinking about, ten sickles say it was a certain Harry Potter," she smirked.

Blaise then piped in with, "I second that!"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, ha ha, very funny. Is it that bad to be worried for your friend? I'm sure something happens to him at home that makes him so shy and dismissive of things, and those rags he has for clothes, thank Merlin I had muggle clothing, he would've been eaten alive by older students. Surely, there's a reason he flinches at the slightest touch, even when he sees it coming."

They both agreed silently, I think they felt a little bad for teasing me when I was thinking about things like that.

For a while, we sat in silence but that was over when the door opened to reveal Harry who had a small smile on his face.

A/N hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I don't have much to say other than, if you have any questions then don't be afraid to ask, also we currently have a few murder plots going on and one to 'remove the gay' from Dumbledore, those honestly make my day and make me laugh a lot, I'm pretty sure I've joined all of them now. I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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