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Harry's POV

I was so happy to find out Andy was here, at Hogwarts. It was amazing to be reunited with my first friend.

It was really nice of him to volunteer to show us around rather than hanging out with his what seems to be very large friend group. He always was good at making friends. Andrew is definitely a people person unlike myself.

As far as I can tell, my new friends get along with him quite well albeit a little wary of him. For that, I was thankful. Those lot getting along makes everything a little easier.

Andrew showed us to the kitchens first. They were huge! Everything was so pristine and in perfect order, Aunt Petunia would be jealous. God knows she loves everything perfect. It did confuse me that there weren't any fridges or freezers though until Draco explained it to me while completely messing up the word 'electricity', I suppose it's not a concept here due to magic and stuff being able to do everything.

Next he showed us where all the classrooms were and the quickest ways to get to them, a lot including secret passages that only went on for two steps but led us to the other side of the castle. He told us where all the teacher's offices were and who were the nicest.

One piece of information I picked up was, "Be cautious of the Weasley twins. If they tell you to go to a specific place or do a specific thing, it's most likely a prank. They sometimes partner up with the school's poltergeist, Peeves so just be careful if they give you anything."

If I wasn't mistaken, those were the twins from the train station. They seemed nice, but I suppose they did have a troublemaker vibe. Still, they were really nice and helpful to me and I could definitely appreciate some pranks. I've always sorta enjoyed pulling pranks and watching them happen, not that I ever really got to pull any or see any. I'm not sure why I enjoy it so much but I do. Hmm, I should see if the Weasley twins would let me help out at sone point...

At the end of our tour, we were back outside the Great Hall. Andrew gave me a hug and said, "We should meet up at some point to catch up, Har. I've really missed you. I hope you were okay after I left. Anyway, I've gotta run, I'm meeting up with my friends in the library. Bye, nice to meet you guys!" With that he gave a wave and walked off.

I turned to my friends with a smile, Pansy smirked, looking between Draco and I. That confused me a little, why was she looking at us like that? Had I done something wrong? I hoped not, I didn't want to loose Draco so soon.

Pansy saw me looking at her curiously and gave a final look between us before walking over to Blaise who was observing the ancient armour stood in the alcoves by the doors.

Draco was staring into space with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Are you okay, Draco?" I asked him.

"Huh?... oh, yeah I'm okay. Sorry, I zoned out."

I didn't quite believe him. "Are you sure?"

He nodded so I dropped the subject and asked another question, "So, what did you think of Andrew? I do hope you don't mind him. I wouldn't want you to not like one of my friends."

I don't think he expected the question judging by his face but he answered anyways, "I suppose he's alright, he's nice enough." That was all I could get out of him. I didn't understand why but every time Andrew was brought up, Draco gave very minimalistic answers. Had something happened whilst I wasn't watching or something?

Soon, we were back in the common room, all sat in the chairs beside the fire. Since we were in the dungeons, it was cool and damp in the Slytherin common room. The fire helped significantly but it was still chilly so Pansy ran upstairs and grabbed blankets. We all sat, cozy, reading, occasionally we would engage in conversation but we were all quite engrossed in the literature in front of us. I was reading a muggle book that was set in an old boarding school. It was about a girl who had moved to this new, expensive and fancy boarding school by the ocean. I personally thought it was an amazing series written by an amazing, well known author, even if a lot of people would call it a 'girly book', though the language used was not commonly used these days as it was written in the 1940's. (If you know what series this is, I love you. I love these books. It's actually the first book series where I found a character with my name. Though later when I found Harry Potter, I found it again.)

About two hours later, it was almost time for dinner. Then my detention with Snape. We all walked up to the dorms to put our things away then it was off to the Great Hall, laughing along the way though inside, I was incredibly nervous about meeting Snape for detention.

A/N hey, I'm sorry this is short again but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you know the series Harry's talking about, I actually love you, it was one of my favourites when I was in like year three and up. Just for the record, the age range they are is usually older than I was when I read them. They just didn't have any books that actually tested my ability. I still love those books to this day though I only have really old, worn copies and my cousin stole the first two :(. Tbf, they were really old before I got them because they belonged to my auntie before me. Anyway have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are. Thank you for reading. <3


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