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Draco's POV

I couldn't even begin to know how Harry was feeling on Halloween. He had explained to us all before that he hadn't known how his parents had really died before and wasn't sure how to feel all those Halloweens but now he knew and was obviously quite upset and quite understandably, wouldn't you be if you were in his situation?

That morning, I was yet again the first up, or I thought I was anyway, when I went to get the other boys up, I found Harry's bed empty meaning he was already awake. I found that quite strange as Harry was usually one of the last ones up especially since it was a Saturday.

Once everyone was awake and ready, we heard a knock at the door so Theo opened it knowing it was Pansy coming to do Harry's hair as she does every morning.

"Heya boys, where's Harry? Still getting ready?" The girl asked, head tilted to the side like a puppy.

Blaise shrugged, "Haven't seen him all morning, Pans, we woke up and he wasn't in bed."

She looked puzzled, "He never wakes up before you lot, I know for a fact that Draco leaves him till last to wake up every time. But if he did then he won't be far away so there's no point just talking about it, let's go find him," with that she spun around and walked out and we all followed, like I keep saying, Pansy's scary when she's mad.

When we got to the common room, we at first didn't see anyone but a few third years sat by the fire, it was still rather early but after a moment of looking around, I saw him.

Harry was sat in a window seat, staring out into the lake all on his own. I wondered why at first but when we went over it became rather obvious and I think we all felt ashamed for forgetting.

"You were up early, Har, are you okay?" Pansy asked him with a concerned look.

He gave a small smile in return, "I've just had a lot to think about this morning."

A look of realisation dawned on all of our faces and Pansy started apologising immediately.

Harry stopped her almost as soon as she started, "You don't have to say sorry, Pans, it's fine. It's not like I knew them a lot. All I knew, or thought I knew, was that they died in a car crash because they were drunk and wanted to kill all three of us and that my mum's name was Lily and my dad's James, that's it. My aunt didn't get along with them very much,"

Pansy practically pounced on him, pulling him into a comforting hug which we all joined, determined on making our friend as happy as possible today. It already worked to some extent, I saw a smile on Harry's face as we had a group hug.

Soon enough, we were all on our way to the great hall for breakfast, talking happily as we went.

A/N hey guys, I'm really sorry it's short but I hope you enjoyed anyways. I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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