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Draco's POV

I woke up relatively early, ready to start my first day of classes, gods I was so excited.

As soon as I woke up, I checked the time on the clock on the wall and decided that my friends needed a wake up call to get ready.

First, I walked to Blaise's bed and shook him a little, causing him to put his head under his pillow. I carried on, shaking a little more each time until I pushed him off the bed with a smirk. He glared up at me from the floor, tangled in his covers and usually tidy hair almost as badly messy as Harry's on a regular basis, I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"You good down there?" I asked, still laughing.

The dark skinned boy got up and pushed me over, making me fall onto the bed, still laughing my arse off.

Soon, Blaise joined in laughing a little bit before asking, "Should we wake Harry up?"

I nodded and quickly walked over to the small boy's bed and waited for Blaise.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Well, we could do the thing you just did, jump on his bed, mildly annoy him until he wakes up or dump water on him but I feel like that last one's a little mean," he suggested.

Yet again, I smirked and stood on the bed, starting to move so that the mattress would too but not so much that my feet ever left it. Harry groaned and moved his hand as if to tell me to leave but I carried on until he woke up.

"Morning, tiny!" I said happily to him.

He pouted with a glare on his face that was about as scary as newborn puppy which made me laugh a lot more.

"Not tiny," he defended weakly.

I sat down and said, "Sure you aren't," with a smirk.

"Anyway, you need to get up, we have school today," with that I got up and walked over to my trunk to take out my school robes. Since I was sorted, my tie turned green and silver, Slytherin house colours, and the Slytherin crest was now embroidered onto my robes.

Harry slowly got out of his bed and walked to his trunk before pulling out his robes and potions. He quickly took a swig of two of the potions and put a small vile of another in his robe pockets before going to the bathroom to get changed.

I got my hair gel out while I waited and went to the small mirror hung on the wall to use it. Out of the corner of my eye, Blaise was staring at the gel with a disgusted look.

"How the hell can you put that stuff in your hair, mate? Honestly, it feels horrid and your hair looks better without it slicking it's right back," he told me before looking like he got an idea, "One day, I swear I will nick that gel and hide it just so you see that it's better without it."

Soon, Harry was out of the bathroom and Pansy walked in, fully ready, holding a comb, a hairbrush and a container of Sleekeazy's hair potion. She made a beeline to the black haired boy and told him to sit down at the desk so that she could style his hair. To my surprise, his hair was tameable after just a few drops. I had completely forgotten that Harry's grandfather literally created that potion to tame even the most unruly hair. When it came to Potters, unruly was an understatement though. Then again, that potion was created with the purpose of helping out Potters with their genetically messy hair. Within a few minutes, his hair was styled so it wasn't as chaotic as usual, instead, it was a styled sort of messy. As in, it wasn't just flat on his head or anything, the longish curls were styled so that certain parts stuck out a little bit and volume was still present.

I didn't realise how long I had been stood there, staring until I felt a nudge and got shoved into the bathroom by Blaise to get ready.

Gods, I needed to sort myself out. I don't know what's happening, why can't I stop staring at my friend? Why I I get a weird feeling when he laughs or even smiles, it's like he's the only thing my mind wants to focus on. I'm just worried about him, right?

A/N hey guys, sorry it's a little short today. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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