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Harry's POV

My heart shattered into a million tiny pieces as Dumbledore said that I had to stay with the Dursley's. I wanted to speak up but I found myself unable to do anything but stare forward, tears flowing steadily down my face.

I looked to Snape who looked furious, his face softened when he looked back at me. He turned to Dumbledore, once more with a look of fury but this time it was full of determination.

"Albus, I promised Lily that I would always be there for her. I promised her. Since I couldn't look out for Lily as much as I would have liked to, Harry is the closest I will get. He cannot go back to that woman and her vile family. You do not know what she did to Lily as a child but I can assure you it wasn't very pleasant, this," he gestured to me, "this case is much worse than that. If you don't help, I'm sure both Minerva and Poppy would be happy to help me do it alone."

Dumbledore looked shocked, "Severus, that house is the only place he cannot reach him. We must keep him there. He is completely and utterly safe."

The old man sat back in his chair with a satisfied look, the annoying twinkle in his eyes brighter than ever, it may even give the impression that he enjoyed the argument over my safety.

Snape was seething, you could practically see the steam flowing from his ears. Sparks flew from his wand, an angry red colour, it was clear that he wouldn't give up and for that, I'm grateful.

"I will not allow any child to go back to an abusive household let alone my best friend's only child! Just because the child is safe from one person does not mean he's safe from his family. He was starved, beaten and emotionally attacked, that is not something any child should go through. Those wards can be damned, new ones can be made that are just as good, around a new home. We wouldn't even know if he died, Albus. Those animals could've killed him and no one would've known or done anything about it," he looked to be more upset at this last part rather than angry, "I never should've trusted you, old man. Come on, Harry, we're going to talk to people who will actually care and do something about it."

With that, he beckoned for me to follow him out of the door which he pulled shut very quickly and harder than necessary, I assume it made quite a loud noise.

He lead me down a flight of stairs to another door which he knocked on then entered after a few moments.

Sat behind a desk was the professor that sorted us yesterday. Her face held a smile until she saw me, then it turned into a look of curiosity.

"What brings you two to my office today?" She asked, kindly.

"Well, Minerva, that's a long story if you're willing to hear it," Snape told her to which she nodded to, looking very curious, kind of like a cat.

It took a while but Snape explained everything exactly as it had happened in this crazy day. From when Gemma brought me to him, to the hospital wing, to the headmaster, all of it was told.

By the end, the lady was looking visibly angry and upset.

She kept saying, "Why Lily and James' child of all people, I told him, I told him not to put him there,"

I didn't understand, what did she mean?

That soon didn't matter as I was pulled from my thoughts by the sight of her talking to me.

"Hello, Harry, I'm Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress. I promise I will do everything I can to help you, I witnessed how horrible the Dursley family is before you were given over, I didn't think it would get better for you," she had a small smile on her face and held out a ton of what looked like ginger biscuits in the shape of newts, "Have a biscuit, Harry."

I reached and took one, "Thank you, miss."

We had a very long meeting about what they would try to do for me whilst I nibbled at the biscuit, not at all hungry, just trying to be polite.

Eventually, the meeting was over but I now knew that I had people to help me. I couldn't stop thinking of this as I walked down to the common room.

I was glad that these absolute strangers were helping me, even if they kinda had to, it seemed like they really wanted to and that was more than most had ever done for me.

A/N hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, I just thought I'd get something out.

I just wanted to tell you all that I got a job as an art apprentice which I'm really happy about I actually painted this earlier:

Obviously it's not perfect but I'm actually really happy with it especially as it was my first time painting on a canvas and in this style of art

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Obviously it's not perfect but I'm actually really happy with it especially as it was my first time painting on a canvas and in this style of art. What do y'all think? Is it good?

Anyway, if you have any questions about the book or anything, just ask and I'll try to answer.

I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are. Thank you for reading.


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