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Harry's POV

I walked back down to the dungeons with a small smile plastered onto my face just from the thought that I may never have to go back to the Dursley's ever again.

When I got to the dorm, I opened the door to find my friends all sat (or laid down in Pansy's case) in silence.

They all gave a smile as I walked in.

"I can't believe you actually had detention today, Harry," Blaise spoke when I looked over.

"Oh, actually it wasn't a detention, I just had to discuss some things with Snape and the deputy headmistress. She was really nice and told me a bit about my parents," I told them, smiling as I thought back to the stories I was told.

There were a lot of stories, many of them contained very elaborate pranks. A fair few of them were about things my dad did to try get my mum's attention and get her to go out with him. Apparently he asked her out at least 5 times a day and every single time ended in rejection and sometimes a hex. I was told that my mum never repeated a hex when it came to my dad. My mum used to go and have tea with Professor McGonagall on Saturdays to talk about practically everything. McGonagall even told me that she had a part to play in my parents getting together as she made them head boy and head girl together so that they would be forced into spending time together. "James was over the moon about it, Lily wasn't so thrilled but in the end, it brought them closer together and James learnt a little more restraint and respect around her which made her fall for him," I was told.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I thought of all the stories though I wasn't too thrilled to hear of my father's extreme prejudice against Slytherins. What if he wasn't killed and I still got into Slytherin? Would he still love me or would he be disappointed in me?

Those thought were pushed out of my head pretty much as soon as they arrived, I didn't want to think about that, there was no point working myself up about something that wouldn't even happen in this universe.

I decided to check the potions to see what I needed to take and when just so that I knew.

As I was reading the paper with the uses on, I noticed my friends looking at me weird.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked.

"Nothing really, I think we were all just wondering why you seemed so happy, then suddenly your face dropped like a stone in a lake," Blaise told me bluntly, "But then, you just shook you head and went about reading whatever that is like nothing happened."

I felt my face heat up a little bit at that, "I was just thinking about some stories Professor McGonagall told me about my parents. They sounded brilliant, really, but my dad was a Gryffindor who didn't particularly like Slytherins..." I told them, "I just had the thought of, if he was alive, would he be disappointed to have a Slytherin son?"

Suddenly, I had a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me and the very faint scent of Pansy's perfume was the only thing I could smell.

She pulled away after a few moments and gently held my face in her hands, making me look at her. "Listen to me, don't you ever think like that. From what I heard, your mother and father loved you so much, a stupid school house wouldn't have changed that."

This almost made me cry yet again, it was amazing to finally feel like there were people there for me, people who are willing to help me and just be there when I need them. I grew up without that (with the exception of Andy) so having it now meant the absolute world to me.

Eventually she got up and handed me my pillow which apparently she had nicked from my bed while I was with Snape and McGonagall and left, reminding me that she was doing my hair tomorrow, which I was dreading.

I finally looked over the potion list before taking a few of them. One apparently was to re break all the bones that had fixed themselves incorrectly and reset them while I sleep, causing me minimal discomfort while it takes affect. The second one was to help my immune system become stronger as I got ill a lot because of the conditions I live in. The last one was to help me sleep peacefully as I tend to get a fair few nightmares.

After I took the potions, I dug around my trunk to find a pair of joggers and a shirt to sleep in and got changed in the bathroom.

Soon enough, everyone was in the dorm, ready for bed as the prefects came in to check and do lights out. I wonder if every house does lights out... I suppose I'll never know.

Within a few minutes all of us were almost asleep, ready for our first day of classes to start.

A/N hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I can't believe I've got over 50k views on this story, that's amazing! I'm not sure how my little story got this far already but I'm super happy about it. Thank you.
Other than that, I don't really have anything to say. I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are.


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