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Harry's POV:

After lunch, we had a double period of flying lessons. I was so excited! I couldn't get over the fact that we actually got to fly on real broomsticks, it was so cool.

Immediately after we finished eating, I said bye to Andy and ran down to the place flying lessons were to take place. We were the first there, then Theodore, Vincent and Gregory, then it was the 'merry band of Gryffindorks' as Blaise and Draco said. That meant Weasley, Finnegan and Thomas, Neville and Hermione walking behind them, chatting to one another as the former three glared at us.

A few minutes later, everyone was at the lesson and we were told to stand by a broomstick. The teacher, Madam Hooch, told us to hold out our hand and say 'Up!' to make the broom fly into our hands from the floor. I managed to do it on the first try, much to my delight, as I looked around, I noticed the only other person who had managed to do it so far was Draco, a few people's hovered before falling while others just rolled a little, Weasley's sprung up and hit him right in the nose, which, though I felt bad, I must admit, it was quite hilarious and I laughed a fair bit as did most others. I did notice that Neville's broom didn't even move at all, he looked really nervous, I kinda felt sorry for him, he clearly didn't want to do this lesson, it was incredibly clear that it made him nervous, if not scared.

After a while, the people who hadn't managed to get their brooms into their hands were told to just pick them up instead so Madam Hooch could teach us how to grip our brooms properly before being able to actually fly. She went around, correcting everyone's grips or giving the okay on how they were already doing it. I, surprisingly, didn't get corrected on my grip which I thought was a little weird considering I hadn't ever been in a broom before, though I had natural instincts about how to do it.

Soon enough, everyone had been shown how to do it properly and the teacher told us to kick off when she blew her whistle. Obviously, I would just go when everyone else did. So, when Madame Hooch blew her whistle, we all kicked off of the ground and were instructed to only do basic movements like turning, going forwards etc.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Weasley getting dangerously close to Theodore. I turned to get a better look only to see Weasley barge into Theodore on purpose, knocking him off of his broom and to the floor on which he landed, hitting his head and causing something silver to fall from his robe pocket. When he tried to stand, it was very clear he was dizzy as he kept stumbling around. Madame Hooch immediately rushes over to my dorm mate and put his arm over her shoulder to support him.

While all of this was happening, Weasley was sat on his broom, looking incredibly smug and immensely pleased with himself.

Madame Hooch turned to look at all of us pointedly, "Everyone return to the ground, no one even lay a finger on one of those brooms until I get back. If anyone even hovers off of the ground, you will be expelled before you can say 'Quidditch'!" With that, she left, still supporting Theodore as they went to the hospital wing.

Everyone dropped their brooms and started chatting amongst theirselves, well, everyone but Ronald, he seemed more interested in the thing that had fallen from Theodore's pocket. He had picked it up and started examining it, finding it to be a surely expensive, old pocket watch before attempting to take it.

"Hey! You can't take that, it's Theodore's," I told him, in what I think was a rather nice way considering he was attempting to steal another student's belongings.

"And? What are you going to do about it, Potter?" He sneered.

I walked closer to him, "I'll take it back to him, thanks," I tried to snatch the silver pocket watch from his grip but he pulled his hand away from me.

"Oh yeah, and how are you going to do that? It's mine now, you can't give it to him if you don't have it, can you?"

"You only have it because you pushed him off of his broom, Weasley, that does not make it yours. It is Theodore's and will be until he decides it isn't. Now, give it to me before I make you," I told him, stepping closer.

He stepped back with a smirk, "No thanks, if he wants it, he'll have to find where I hide it. Maybe... hmm... on the roof?" With that, he hopped onto his broom and started ascending.

Quickly, I mounted a broom and kicked off, following him quickly, even though I had barely flown before, it felt natural and somehow I knew exactly what to do, how to manoeuvre the broom to get the results I wanted. I had no trouble catching up to the thieving redhead. As soon as I did, I tried to snatch it but yet again he pulled it away and started throwing it up and down with a smirk.

"Give it to me!" I growled.

"No thanks, if you want it, catch it!" With those words, he dropped the pocket watch from easily 50 feet in the air before descending.

I quickly chased after the watch, going into a steep nosedive to try catch it. Just before I hit the ground, I pulled up and rolled off of my broom with a laugh, watch in my hand. Everyone was (I assume) cheering as Weasley stood to the side, looking extremely annoyed that I had actually caught it.

Pretty much as soon as the cheering started, it came to a halt as everyone froze, looking towards something. I turned to look at what they were to be met with an angry looking Professor Snape and a disappointed looking Professor McGonagall. Snape was seemingly yelling my name as I saw his lips form "-rry Potter!"

Oh no, I was going to get expelled.

A/N hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm really excited, it's my birthday tomorrow! Though I'm not too sure why I'm excited, it's not that much different from any other day tbh.

Anyway, I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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