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Quickly, I started talking again in a desperate hope to fix my mistake. "I... Er... I didn't mean that! What I meant was... Er..."

"Harry. We all know you did mean what you said." Gemma told me gently. "Tomorrow is Sunday. Classes don't start until Monday. I would like you to meet me in the common room at eight. Okay? Remember, you're always okay to come to me. No matter what the problem is."

Nodding slightly, I lowered my head but kept my eyes on the Prefect. She just told me bye and reminded me of the meeting.

Soon enough, the silver platters laid out on the table disappeared and everyone stood up.

Draco grasped my hand lightly and pulled me forwards to follow Gemma and a boy who I didn't know the name of at the time.

We followed them out and down a series of corridors and stairs into a dark, damp, cold area. The dungeons.

Eventually, we reached a stop. The wall in front of us had a moving snake carving which hissed out $Password?$.

I 'heard' the snake hiss into my head.

It was an odd feeling but I ignored it. This was a magical school after all. Anything's possible.

The wall slid open after the other Prefect said something. The two fifth years led us all through the hole in the wall into a huge room.

It was a dimly lit, long room decorated with greens, blacks and silver. Leather couches and armchairs surrounded a roaring fire in a massive, fancy fireplace. Huge floor to roof windows cast a green light into the room. All you could see out of them was water and the occasional fish swimming past.

Two staircases were set either side of the room. Probably to the dorms.

The male Prefect motioned for all the boys to follow him whilst obviously talking. I just dunno what he said. He kept motioning at us and up the stairs, then at one point to the other and shook his head slightly.

He started herding us up the stairs and to a door labelled with six boy's names. Including mine. It read, 'Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini- 1st year'.

We were shown in and the Prefect left.

I turned to Draco. "What did he say?"

"Oh, you couldn't see? Well, he just told us to meet downstairs in ten. Did you catch the password?"

I shook my head and he filled me in. "The password is 'blood purity'. Not surprising honestly."

A weedy looking boy looked confused at us. "Why wouldn't he know all that? He was there."

Struggling to find an excuse, I started to speak hoping it would just come to me. "I... Er... Have a problem... With my... attention span! Yeah, my attention span is really short. Can't focus on more than one thing at once for too long. Or anything really. Er, my name's Harry Potter. What's yours?"

"Theodore Nott. Pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand. I took it and smiled politely.

Ten minutes later, we were all huddled in the common room as a teacher walked in. He had a sneer plastered onto his waxy skin. Long, black, greasy looking hair framed his face, or what wasn't taken up by his huge nose. His obsidian eyes landed on me and offered a look of extreme loathing.

I couldn't lip read what he said as he paced back and forth in front of us. Suddenly he stopped and looked at me. "Potter!" I saw his lips form. Immediately I stood up straight and answered.

"Yes, sir?"

"Please repeat what I just said as it seems you were not paying attention." He sneered.

"Er... I... I can't, sir." I told him.

"And why pray tell did famous Harry Potter think himself above listening to his head of house?" The professor drawled.

"I dunno sir." I looked up through my glasses at the man.

He looked shocked for a moment and quickly put his mask back in place. "You're just like your father. See me tomorrow evening." He snapped before carrying on talking and pacing.

I kept trying to make out the words but it was just impossible. Eventually, I just gave up.

A while later, we were back in the dorm and Blaise and Draco were filling me in on everything the teacher had said.

"So, that teacher down there, is my godfather. Severus Snape. Basically he was just saying 'I expect the best from my Slytherins. We keep a united front outside of the common room. Yada yada yada.' Then he had a go at you. Then he told us the dumb rules. Like the curfews. We have lights out at ten." Draco explained.

"I don't understand why Potter doesn't already know this. I get the short attention span thing but this is ridiculous. It's like he didn't hear a word that was uttered." Nott pointed out.

"I didn't." I told him, sighing. I knew I at least had to tell my dorm mates. "I'm er, I'm deaf."

A/N; hey guys. Sorry it's a bit short. But hey, second update this week! Thank you to HBlove23 for the ideas. They will be put into motion in the next chapter. It has already started. As you have already read. Ilya! Bye!


Deaf-A Harry Potter storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin