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Harry's POV

After being awoken by Draco, I went to go get ready before being forced into a seat for Pansy to style my hair.

When I got up to go look, I kinda liked what she had done with it. For once, my hair looked nice and actually laid flat where she wanted it to. Though it still looked messy, it looked like effort was put into it at the same time, which it was.

I was ready before the other boys so Pansy and I sat waiting for them before we could go to breakfast.

One thing I was dreading about breakfast was that I had to drink a nutrition potion with it and I was sure to get questions. That and I get a lot of concerned looks at mealtimes from a lot of the Slytherins, even the older years seem concerned with my portion sizes. I didn't like the attention but had to put up with it because even though I wasn't hungry, I needed to eat if I wanted to become a 'healthy weight' for the first time in almost 10 years.

Eventually, Draco and Blaise were ready to go so we set off to the great hall, chatting amongst ourselves as we went. It only took what felt like a few seconds to reach the huge, wooden doors that lead into the hall.

When we got inside, I looked around to see chaos, there were students rushing around everywhere, checking bags for any misplaced items, checking their uniforms, checking their schedules while 4 teachers looked around for certain students so that their timetable could be received. Up until 3rd year, all classes were with everyone from your house that was in your year group paired with another house.

We sat at the edge of the Slytherin table, trying to stay as far away from all the chaos as possible. Pretty soon, 4 schedules were placed on the table in front of our little group by Professor Snape who told us, "Potions first, don't be late," before walking away to find the next student in the small stack of papers.

Everyone went to grab breakfast while I looked over the schedule, procrastinating, I wasn't hungry but when I looked at my plate, two slices of toast and some fruit were on there. I looked at my friends to see who did it and saw Pansy give me a look that told me exactly who it was.

"Eat," was all she said.

I picked up a few strawberries and ate them then moved to a slice of toast, which I took a few bites of and put down, already full so I removed the vial of nutrition potion out of my pocket and downed it quickly, with a grimace from the awful taste. The goblet of water in front of me was soon empty from trying to get that vile taste out of my mouth.

After taking the potion, I noticed a few weird looks from people around me but no one said anything that I know of.

Soon enough, breakfast was over and we were on our way down to the potions classroom.

Once we got there, we had to stand outside the door and wait for Professor Snape to let us inside. It turns out that Draco, Pansy, Blaise and I were all the first ones there closely followed by the tall, ginger boy from the other day with three other Gryffindor boys. The first was kinda short, with sandy hair and a few freckles dusting his face, the next had dark skin, short, curly hair and was fairly tall, the last was a short, pudgy boy with dark blond hair and somewhat bucked teeth.

The ginger boy, whose name I was unsure of, sneered at us.

"I didn't know I had to share a classroom with Slytherins. I don't think they should even allow Slytherins here at all, they're all evil gits anyway," he stuck his nose up in the air as if he was better than us. The pudgy boy gave us an apologetic look at this.

Draco stepped forward with a sneer on his face, "Can't you read, Weasley, it said you were with us on your timetable, oh sorry, I forgot you were poor, your parents probably couldn't even afford one book to teach you how."

Weasley's ears turned bright red, "Don't talk about my parents you little brat! At least my parents aren't Death Eaters, unlike yours!"

"Ohhh, that was low, even for you, Weasley, you don't know anything about my family!" At this point, Draco was seething and I could see his hand twitching into a fist, like uncle Vernon's when he gets mad at me. Obviously, this made me upset but I pushed my feelings aside and tried to calm Draco down whilst a bushy haired Gryffindor girls stepped in to calm Weasley down since he wasn't listening to his friends.

After they were both calmer, they settled for glares at one another and the bushy haired girl along with the pudgy boy came over to us.

"I'm truly sorry for that, it seems Ronald is a bit rash and quite frankly kind of rude," the girl said, "I'm Hermione by the way, Hermione Granger, also, I would like to point out, not all Gryffindor's feel that way about Slytherins, I don't believe a house in a school defines who you are, people change and have the power to control who they become."

The boy next to her nodded his head, smiling a little, "I'm Neville Longbottom, I'm one of the Gryffindors who share Hermione's view," he outstretched his hand for me to take, which I did.

I smiled at them both, "I'm Harry Potter, this is Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini," I pointed to each of my friends respectively who each gave a small smile back.

Pretty soon, Professor Snape was there and we were let into the classroom for our lesson to begin.

A/N hey guys, how are all of you? I can't say I'm feeling great but I hope you lot are. Thank you so much for reading and to everyone who votes and comments, I love to see it. Honourable mention to the person who I am currently making up a mini story with in the comments of the last chapter, I hope that goes on for a little while, it's quite fun actually. Anyway, I hope you all have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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