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Harry's POV;

Draco sat down next to me after returning from the teacher's table and breakfast resumed as normal, Pansy telling us what to eat, Hermione backing her up and Blaise being threatened by the two for not complying.

After breakfast was a completely different matter on the other hand. The overgrown bat, Snape, came over and lead me away from my friends to talk. What he didn't know was that I had Eclipse up my sleeve, ready to strike at any moment if he made me upset or angry.

Eclipse, much like Pansy, had very low tolerance for people that upset me.

The slimy git took me down to his office, followed by Professor McGonagall who was arguably a lot better. She was nice and Dumbledore trusted her so that must mean that I could too even if she was hanging out with the slime ball himself.

Once we arrived at his office, we all took a seat around his desk.

"So, Mr Potter," Snape began, "do you know why you're here today? Before you answer, I will just tell you that it's not because you have done anything wrong."

I watched as he said all of this and waited a few seconds to make sure neither of them began talking before I responded. "No, Sir, I don't know why I'm here," I told him truthfully though I did have my suspicions.

Snape took a moment before starting to speak once again, "Mr Potter, we have received some news from a concerned peer. Professor McGonagall and I are therefore obligated to see if what we were told is accurate."

The teachers looked at me but I'm unsure if they were speaking, I was too focused on the fact that Draco had told them something even though I asked him not to. To be honest, I felt rather betrayed by my friend.

Whilst I was thinking, I felt Eclipse move on my arm and her words entered my mind. $hatchling, are you okay? Do I need to bite ssssomeone? I'm very venomousss, you know.$

$im okay, Eclipssse, you don't need to hurt anyone right now,$ I hiss back to my friend, gently petting her head.

I look back up to find the two teachers staring at me in shock as I look back confused, then I realised that I had just spoken parseltongue, right in front of them, and I wasn't supposed to be able to do that.

"Mr Potter, are you aware that you were just speaking in a different language?" McGonagall asked as my eyes landed on her.

Slowly, I nodded my head, knowing there was no way to get out of this one even if I tried.

The shocked looks on their faces and the way they looked at each other as though they were having a conversation without speaking made me panic a little. What would happen now? Surely they'd just realised what a freak I am and would send me back to the Dursleys. As much as I knew I needed to be there, I still hated it with my entire being.

A/N hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to update a little more frequently but it doesn't seem to be working much. Regardless, thank you for reading if you've gotten this far.

I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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