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Draco's POV

I wanted to shut down Wilson's offer so badly but I was too late, Harry had already agreed. The only thing stopping me from still denying Wilson's offer is the fear that Harry would be mad and not want to be my friend. That was something I didn't want. If that meant mildly tolerating the Hufflepuff, then so be it. That doesn't mean that I will stop hating him, I will probably hate him for... I don't even know how long.

The infuriatingly tall boy smiled at us all and started walking. He turned around to speak, I'm assuming he knows about Harry's secret at this point, "So, I reckon we should start with the kitchens, yeah?"

Pansy and Blaise nodded whilst Harry shrugged and I just didn't answer. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pansy smirking at me so I glared back at her.

Andrew lead us down a flight of stairs so we weren't quite in the dungeons it was more like the basement. He stopped at a painting of a bowl of fruit and reached towards it before tickling the pear. I was about to make a snide comment when the painting swung open to reveal a huge room full of house elves.

Huge tables stood in the middle of the room, in the exact places of our house tables and the teacher's table. I assume the house elves place the food on the tables and when Dumbledore finishes his speech, the food is transferred to the great hall. It is quite simple if you think about it.

I don't think I had ever seen so many house elves in my life, as heir to one of the richest wizarding families in Britain, even we didn't have half as many as Hogwarts. At home, we had maybe ten house elves. They each split the work load and it is quite efficient. They get the job done quick enough. Though there is a strange elf at home. Dobby. He's different to the rest, I'm pretty sure he just wants to get given clothes. That's something you have to be careful about. Mother cleans the clothes instead of the house elves because once a house elf is given clothes, it's free and no longer works for you.

Soon enough, we had a small crowd of the elves around us asking how they could help and what we wanted to eat. Harry blinked surprised at the creatures surrounding us. Had he not seen a house elf before? I thought most people had them. Then I realised that Harry grew up in a muggle house hold. They don't have house elves in the muggle world, instead they pay other muggles to do the work. I don't understand why you would pay someone to do work when house elves do it for free, they like work, most of them would be crushed if you gave them clothes.

"These are house elves, Harry. They prepare the food in the great hall and clean the castle at night so that no one sees them. I think the only place they don't clean is dorms, it's too risky for them. Too many clothes lying around," Andrew told Harry who nodded and looked around, studying the elves who all wore towels bearing the Hogwarts crest.

"I've seen one of these before, in Professor Snape's office this morning. I didn't know what it was at the time though," he told us, observing the room curiously, "I don't understand, where's the fridge and the freezer?"

I felt proud that he looked to me for an answer but if I'm being completely honest, I had no bloody clue what he was talking about. "What's a 'fridge' and a 'freezer'?"

"You know, the things that keep the food fresh and cold. It stops milk from spoiling and all that. Blimey, Draco, I knew you were rich but surely you know basic kitchen appliances," he said.

"I don't think we have those... whatever they're called in the wizarding world, we just put cooling charms on the items, it's not that hard," then I remembered that muggles can't do that sort of thing, "Though I suppose muggles has to come up with a way of replicating this without magic. Let me guess, they run on... what's it called... er... ecle... ecelecktosity or something like that."

Harry giggled at this and let me tell you, it is one of the most amazing sounds I have ever heard in my damn life. "Is it just me, or did he just attempt to say electricity and completely mess it up?" He managed between laughter and I felt my face heat slightly.

When I looked around, I realised that Wilson was laughing too whilst Pansy and Blaise were both stifling their laughter.

Soon enough, we were ready to leave and follow the dumb second year who was showing us around. Gods I can't stand that guy. I hate him so much. Taking my Harry's attention.

A/N hey guys I know this is shorter than usual but I suppose it's better than nothing right. I don't think it's the best but it'll do for now. So, I was thinking since there are so many of you now, I'll try to answer any questions you may have in the comments (they don't have to be about the book if you have any other questions). Anyway, as always, thank you so much for reading. Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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