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"Woods Clan, clan leader is Leksa Kom Trikru, current Heda of the coalition. Capitol of Trikru and the coalition is Polis. Known for black face paint and marks upon their skin."


"Ice nation, northern most clan, ruled by Haiplana Nia. Recent most clan to join the coalition after many years of fighting with Trikru. Known to scar their faces to show signs of strength and clan pride."


"Boat people that live off in the ocean and prefer peace over violence. Clan leader is Luna kom Floukru."


"Desert clan, live off edge of the Dead Zone. Sheidheda is the clan's greatest champion, who became commander and led war sieges on Trikru and other clans to get them to bow."


"Glowing forest clan, given to them by the butterflies within the woods. Known to have dotted lines along forehead."


"Broadleaf clan, live in the forest, tend to ally with Trikru and other forest clans."


"Rock line clan, noticeable trait is the ancestor stone necklace worn to honor those before them."

"Also tend to ally with Trikru in disputes." He added before continuing. "Podakru."

"Lake people, life is surrounded by lakes which they live off of. Excellent swimmers and fishers."

"Ouskejon Kru."

"Blue cliff clan. They're um, good at climbing." He rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. The small fact enough for him as he continued.


"Delphi clan, named after their ruling family's gift for seeing. Tend to wait for conflict to unfold before choosing a side that is most likely to be victorious."


"Plains riders clan. Live in flat lands between Trishankru and Sangedakru. Known for their excellent horsemanship, calvary, and crops."

"Louwoda Kliron Kru." This was the final clan.

"Shadow Valley Clan. Tend to keep to themselves and away from other clans. Fought in the war and lost most of their people against Azgeda."

"Good. I think we can finally get to the interesting stuff." I rose a brow as Lincoln stood, offering a hand to me which I took. The two of us walking over to an open space in the back corner, the sun finally shining above the trees as Arkadia began to wake up.

"Interesting stuff? You're telling me that learning about other clans and their culture isn't interesting?" Lincoln simply rolled his eyes and pulled out his dagger, my hand automatically copying his motion.

"I'm going to teach you how to fight like each clan." I smirked now seeing where he was coming from.

"Now this, this is definitely way more interesting." Lincoln rolled his eyes before lowering his stance.

"Ogud?" I mimicked his stance and twirled my dagger to better grip the hilt.

"Ogud, Seda."

"Os, Skola."

With that, we began the training I had been looking forward to. Trikru was first, followed by Azgeda. The two fighting styles similar but different in their tactics. While Trikru fought honest and upfront, Azgeda was ruthless. And the one that sent me sprawling backwards and up away before Lincoln could make the "killing blow", which he did, every time.

We were wrapping up with Louwoda Kliron tactics when a voice shouted above the crowd.

"Lincoln!" I knocked the dagger from my throat and rolled from underneath him as he stood to look at Octavia who had joined the crowd of people watching our display. "Ai gaf yu in. Nau!" I stood up and looked at Lincoln with a smirk.

"Better go see what she needs. We can resume tomorrow. I need the break anyway." I grimaced as I stepped backwards. The action shooting pain along my muscles, from my hamstring to my upper back. "I'm going to go take a shower. Moron, Seda." I gave a salute and walked away from Lincoln as he nodded then turned and started to jog to Octavia.

I sheathed my dagger as I picked it up from the ground. The two both now fully secure as I walked past the slowly disappearing crowd. A few younger teens and a handful of my 100 family left as I reached Raven and Harper. The two watching me with a raised eyebrow. The former extending a metal cup holding water which I took greedily.

"What was that?" I looked at Harper in her normal attire.

"Lincoln's teaching me some things. Why do you ask?" I tilt my head and drain the rest of the cup rolling my eyes at Raven's response.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact you got your ass kicked. That did not look like a girl who took out nearly a hundred grounders on her own."

"Raven, like I said, I'm learning. I want to understand the way other clans fight, not just go in thinking everyone is like Trikru. Plus, Lincoln's good. In fact, if any of you have any hope in beating me, that's who you need to learn some tricks from." Raven and Harper both rolled their eyes. Laughing as Monty skipped over and set an arm around the two looking at me with a cheeky grin.

"I'll have to tell Bellamy then. He's been wanting revenge since you went easy on him then crushed his ego." This time I laughed, surprising the others at how loud it was.

"His ego is too large to be crushed. I might have just stepped on his pride a bit, shown him a mirror of humility." The other three chuckled before we all walked inside to breakfast.

We slowed down at a certain door without realizing it. Monty's smile dropped as he looked at the door, Harper watching his facial expression mimicked it and placed her hand in his pulling him away with a sad smile. Raven and I sent each other a look and she followed after them, leaving me stopped at the door.

I watched them walk further down the hallway, Monty's shoulders down as they turned the corner. My head snapped back to the door and I walked up to it, sliding down and leaned my head backwards.

"Hey, Jasper." I spoke, my voice loud enough he could hear but soft enough to not draw attention. "It's been nearly two weeks now. And I know you're tired of me, but," I paused as I heard shuffling before a soft thud of a body leaning against the door sounded, "I'm not going anywhere. Jasper even though you hate me, you're still my family and I want you to be happy. I know you don't think you ever will, and you're right. You won't. Not if you stay in that room and hurt yourself. Monty needs his best friend, and you need yours."

I closed my eyes and breathed, my ears picking up a slight hiccup and sharp intake of breath.

"Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do,
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you.
Grit your teeth, pull your hair,
Paint the walls black and scream, "Fuck the world
'Cause it's my life, I'm gonna take it back, "
And never for a second blame yourself."

I heard the click and nearly fell back as Jasper opened his door. His eyes puffy and red, tears streaks along his face.

"I don't blame myself. I blame you."

I stood from the floor, my heart cracking as I saw his state. His hair messy and unkept, he seemed so skinny that he was simply skin and bone.

"You should. Jasper," I softly called, shoving my body in between the door and the wall before he could shut it. "Nothing I say or do will ever make up for killing Maya. But please stop doing this to yourself. If not for you, for Monty. And if not for Monty. Then do it for Maya who sacrificed her life for your own." All I saw was his heated glare and I sighed moving out of the way so he could close the door.

"Breakfast just started. Lunch is at 12, and dinner is at 6." I called through the closed door. Sparing it one last glance as I walked away.

If only we could go back to how it used to be.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now