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I was separated from Clarke as Dante's personal body guards took her and the other guards took me to Cage. Where I was briefed and taken to my room.

Never in my life have I wanted to stab my eyes out with my fingernails as bad as I did during the brief. If this is what the lessons on the Ark were like I don't think I missed as much as I had thought I did.

"Normally since you're new, you'd be under training of a senior guard and shadow them," I felt my mind drift to Bellamy before I snapped out of it, "so you'll be getting a walkie, vest, uniform, a wardrobe of clothes for when you're off, and a restricted pass to get you from basic level to level." Restricted? Meaning I couldn't get to all sections of the mountain. Or at least the ones they didn't want me to see.

"Anything else?" We stopped in front of a small door on level four, the very last door of a long hallway of empty space.

"Yes. Dinner will be ready in an hour. You'll find a change of clothes on the bed, as well as your uniform and vest." He handed me a small silver key card and a black walkie. The tech so much nicer than the ones Raven had made from scrap metal.

I didn't say a thing as I scanned the card and walked into the room. The soft click of the door shutting behind me echoed through the dark space as I let my eyes adjust.

Where's a lantern when you need it.


"For the past and the future, we serve." Dante began.

"We give thanks." The Mountain Men chorused.

"Good health, good food, and good company. And the blessing of new friends." Dante continued, his eyes drifting to where Clarke and I stood beside each other.

"We give thanks." The cult chorused again. The grace was giving me bad vibes, no one missed a beat, no one forgot to speak, and the pauses were just long enough it had been rehearsed many times before.

I was sitting on Clarke's right, next to Monty as she was next to Jasper, we were sitting in the middle of the table. In the middle of the 100. Just as their leaders should. But what the leaders shouldn't do is not coordinate dress.

Clarke had a white blazer over her long sleeve faded blue shirt as well as some nice pants. While I on the other hand was sitting very comfortably with my leather jacket, long sleeve olive green shirt that was set on the bed along with the tan cargo pants I was adorning with my black boots. My two daggers held securely in their sheaths, ready for anything.

I was more so shocked then angry that Clarke was actually wearing the blazer to fit in, the white cloth ghastly to my eyes as I tried to shake the feeling of never getting my people free from this mountain and it's secret I had yet to learn. The girls were either donning a blazer or a dress, the boys either shrugged on a blazer or button up. Either way, I was the only oddball out, and it wasn't a comfortable feeling knowing my family was getting used to living here after less than twenty-four hours.

What surprised me even more was Clarke dipping into the soup and eating before glancing up to Dante, who's eyes followed her every move with a smile. The rest of the 100 looked to me as they saw Clarke eat but wanted both of us to take the first bites. Whether they meant to or were just subconsciously waiting for me to give them the go ahead, I grabbed a piece of bread from the center of the table and ripped a piece off with my hands and nibbled the carb.

The act sent the rest into eating the stew or soup, whatever the hell was set down in front of us. I didn't touch it one bit, I ate the portion of bread and split the bowl between Monty and Jasper. The two bottomless pits eyed my meal for five minutes before I finished my glass of water and sat back in the chair.

Throughout the entire meal, I ignored Dante's disappointed gaze and Cage's curious stare from the table over. The two Wallace's driving me mad as I fought to stay rooted to my seat and wait for everyone to finish eating.

Clarke hadn't spoken to me once as we ate, and I hadn't spoken to her either. The silence didn't help as I kept glancing around the room at the exits and cameras and weak spots. I remind stoic and casual on the outside but internally I was itching to run out of the dinning hall and break through every security checkpoint they had with Cage's key card I had stolen earlier off him.

The lift easy as he briefed me during our walk. But useless as I couldn't do anything until I knew more about the security of this place. And the perfect way to find out, follow Cage. He's his father's head of security. Just like mine was back on the Ark.

Marcus Kane. The father I had known for less than a week and lost just as quickly. My chest tightened at the thought before I pushed it to the back of my brain.

When the battle is over, and my family is out of this mountain, I will pull my dad back into the light. When they were safe, I would store his memory in peace. Give him one final, proper, goodbye.

Once we made it back home. Back to the ground. Away from this prison.

"Pers." Clarke's hiss tickled my ear as I snapped my head in her direction, my eyebrow raised at her as she called me by my forbidden name.

"Atlys." She sassed as she stood from her chair. The action making me realize everyone was doing the same thing. "Time for a bed time story." I smirked as I stood taking one more swig of my refilled water glass and looked to Clarke.

"Lead the way, Your Highness."

Persphyni : I am DangerousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora