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Deep breath in, and just walk right through the door. And walk right through the door. Oh for ginger's sake, stop being such a wuss.

I blinked and straightened up staring at the bathroom door in front of me.

"You okay in there?" I could hear the slight concern in his voice though I'm sure he was smirking.

"Yup, doing great. Thanks for asking." I sassed back as I grabbed the door handle. "No thanks to you. Asshole." I grumbled quietly so he wouldn't hear me. I pushed the door open and calmly beelined it straight to my wardrobe without sparing him a glance or any other portion of the room for that matter. Only a quick glimpse of him already in the bed through my peripheral vision.

The room was an awkward quiet as I refolded and set my clothes inside the cabinet deliberately slow.

"The bathroom is open if you need it." I continued to fold my clothes, the wardrobe door blocking me from Bellamy's view and vice versa.

"Uh," he cleared his throat, "yeah, thanks." I heard him get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom, a slight hesitation in his step as he neared me before heading into the bathroom. Once the door had shut I closed the wardrobe and started to fix the bed so the two of us could equally share and not hog one side or the other.

When that was finished I slipped inside the covers and leaned back against the headboard. Fiddling with the small lamp that was one of my only sources of light for this naturally dark room.

Bellamy was already walking back over to the bed when I snapped out of it. My mind on overdrive as I worried about the state of our friends.


"Don't get jealous cause I have more than you did." He rolled his eyes but slowly slipped under the covers as well.

Although I tried to, I couldn't help it.

"You looked better in the Ark uniforms." He shot me a raised brow and a small smirk.

"Oh really?"

"Don't get cocky." I turned the light off and slid down under the covers, turning to face away from him.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I rolled my eyes this time. I felt him adjust in the bed behind me as silence consumed the room. Unfortunately, sleep didn't come. And it never would with my friends trapped and Blake the Fake next to me.

"Atlys?" I remained quiet as his whisper filled the air. "You awake?" I remained 'asleep' trying to relax subtly to make it seem like I really was asleep. He was quiet for another minute before I felt him shift again, I was mid eye roll at the fact he was moving around again only to freeze and tense up.

I couldn't react, I was actually frozen.

"Relax, Persphyni." His soft whisper filled my ear as he softly dragged me further into him, his arm wrapping around my waist and locking me in place. "We can both stress in the morning." I let myself relax, cause he was right. We could stress in the morning. And I was suddenly way too tired to argue.

You win this time Bellamy.


I was awoken by five knocks. A single then two doubles. The sounds of the knocks startling me awake that I forgot for a second where I was as I went into self defense mode. I had the body attached to the arm around my waist and legs intertwined with mine off of me and pinned below me before I could even fully open my eyes.

Only when I did, I saw what had happened and everything from last night came crashing through.

"Well good morning to you too." I rolled my eyes at the husky morning voice that made me feel unfamiliar.

"Shut up, Bellamy." I began to get out of my compromising position atop in a straddle when he hesitantly grabbed my upper thighs near my hips.

"Make me. Persphyni." I went to scold him but that was all it took for him to flip us over so I was now on the bottom. My hands pinned by one of his own as he stared down at me.

"Atlys. Do not compromise this!" I hissed as I started to wiggle myself free of his grasp.

"Yes my apologies," he leaned down to my ear and I took that as my chance, "Pers-" the loud thud interrupted him as he now lay on the rug covering the hard concrete, sprawled from where I had managed to flip him from on top of me.

"I liked our position before the violence." He groaned as he slowly stood up as I slipped out of the bed and walked around him not sparing him nor his naked torso a glance.

"I'll show you violence." I called over my shoulder as I walked to the door Maya had knocked on again. "I'd say put a shirt on but we've already seen you upside down in practically your birthday suit." I smirked as he remained silent, picturing his jaw dropped or clenched as he shook his head.

I got the door open an inch when I discovered he wasn't still by the bed in shock. No, he had silently crept up and was standing right behind me, his body heat radiating as I froze momentarily when his hands reached my messy ponytail I had thrown my hair in last night.

"I guess we're even now?" I felt his smirk grow as my breath hitched and I slapped his hands away. I guess technically we were as he had barged into my tent quite a few times actually.

I didn't answer him, pulling the door with me to give Maya enough room to slip inside. I recognized the worried look on her face and bolted to my wardrobe to put on my guard uniform I had hidden in the back.

"What's going on?" Bellamy asked as I changed my shirt without a care in the world, knowing that my people needed me more than I needed privacy.

"Maya, they've started to take them out of the dorm haven't they?" I spared her a glance to see her nod at my question as I proceeded to take off the maroon velvet shorts and switch into my cargo pants. Rolling my eyes at Bellamy as his jaw dropped and he slowly turned his head away.

"They're being taken every few hours. I can't figure out where they are going." Maya voiced as I walked to the small desk and pulled my vest on, a frown on my face when I remembered I gave Monty my walkie and wouldn't be able to hear what the guards were saying on different channels.

"So we follow them." Bellamy concluded as he moved to the desk as well where he put on the white button up shirt and vest only for it to not even go on his shoulders. He took it off and looked at it as I slid my two daggers in my belt sheaths. When I turned around I saw the outstretched hand and vest from Bellamy.

I narrowed my eyes at him and the vest before looking at my own. Taking the other vest from his grasp I saw the small velcro label that read 'Kane'. I heard Maya giggle from the door as we exchanged vest silently, our small confusion took us away from the task at hand.

"Maya, when did they last take someone?" I walked towards her and grabbed the piece of toast and jelly from the small tray she had brought in.

"One hour ago."

I bit into the toast with vengeance as came up with a plan. One that probably wasn't a very good one.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now