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I had been pacing my room for the last several hours trying to come up with a fool proof plan that wouldn't lead me to my death, or any of the others. I had forty-six, well now forty-seven, people to get out of here safely. Not to mention the promise I made to Anya and the hundred grounders in cages. And if I was at any point injured or killed before all of them were, they would never make it out.

Which wasn't an option.

My thoughts were interrupted by the knocking system I had created for Maya to let me know if she had food or any other messages that I needed to know immediately. I was glad when she did a single then two double knocks to signal all was clear and she had food.

It was much easier then me exposing myself to be vacant in the room should someone figure out Maya has been helping me, though I don't think that would happen as I took down their camera pointed almost directly at my door.

I slowly opened the door and quickly shut it when she made her way into the room not even looking at her to check. Which was stupid and I should have known better. Especially when the whole build and walk was off.

"Finally, I thought my..." I trailed off as I turned around to see who I thought was Maya, "oh shit." We moved in sync. I ducked his punch and he grabbed my leg I had kicked into his side. Although I hit him with enough force, he remained standing and now he had hold of my leg. I went to yank it out only for him to pull, causing me to pull further back towards myself. Still expecting resistance, I fell backwards as he let go and I stumbled into the door I had just previously shut.

I went to move around him to get to my daggers but he blocked my way and pushed me back against the wall, only this time he held my arm behind my back and was pressing my front into the concrete.

"Well, hello to you too, Asshole." I kicked back catching his knee, making him loosen his grasp on my arm, and twisted around to face him. My breath catching as I was suddenly hyper-aware of how close we were.

I stared up into his eyes and stopped fighting as I let him trap me against the wall. The brown pools swirling as I saw tears start to cloud, tears of relief, I hope.

"Hey, Bellamy." I was suddenly engulfed in a hug, something I was still foreign to, even if this was my seventh official hug. I wrapped my hands around his waist as he pulled me even tighter to him. His head leaning slightly on my own, a smile on my mouth as I buried my head in his chest.

"How?" His voice muffled as he spoke. I went to pull away but he simply tightened his hold. And for some reason, I was okay with it.

"I climbed. I had to survive in order to make sure your dumbass didn't make any stupid mistakes. Though clearly that doesn't stop you."

"You're obsessed." I started laughing. I wasn't sure whether it was from relief or having something so familiar close to me. The sound not as startling to me anymore.

"Whatever you say Blake."

"Actually, I'm pretty sure it's whatever I want." I smacked him on the chest as we let go from the hug. Both of our faces stretched in a smile before I remembered where we were.

"What the hell were you thinking!"

"Ouch!" Bellamy grabbed the back of his head where I had slapped him.

"Clearly Clarke didn't tell you or anyone I was alive and currently trying to get our people out, or you are just idiotic enough to think you can do this all by yourself." When Bellamy didn't say anything I slapped him upside the head again.

"Stop that." I gave him a pointed look and slapped him in the back of the head again.

"Pers- Hey!" I slapped him once again only with my left hand this time to keep him from saying my name aloud.

"Persp-" I went to slap him again but he was ready as he caught my hand and spun me around so I was trapped against the wall and him again.

"Is this really how I get you to listen to me every time?" I rolled my eyes as I relaxed and he let me go.

"I'd listen to you more if you weren't such a dumbass."

"There we go again with my ass."

"Stop changing the subject. Look, people down here know me as Atlys. So don't say anything different until we are home free, okay?" Bellamy gave me a small smirk but nodded anyways.

"I think I like Shadow better." I rolled my eyes and moved passed him to the bed, my eyes scoping for the tray he was supposed to bring in.

"Hey, where's my food?" I turned around with a raised brow to see him look around the room sheepishly.

"That's a funny story, so the elevator was taking a very long time and- ah! I'm sorry!" I had tackled him to the floor as he came up with some story.

"You ate my food." I accused.

"Technically it was also mine." I brought a fist up ready to punch him when we both started to chuckle.

"What the hell are you doing to me Fake?" I whispered shaking my head and standing back up turning to face my wardrobe.

"The better question is what the hell are you doing to me, Shadow." My eyes widened at how close his whisper sounded, taking a step forward and brushing off the comment I turned around to face him.

"I'm assuming that fancy little guards uniform didn't come with a room?"

"No, but it did come with this hat." I rolled my eyes at his lame joke.

"Well, looks like we're roomies." I let out a long, hard sigh. Which wasn't taken well as Bellamy sent me a glare.

"Calm down, you can have the bed." I went into my small wardrobe and pulled out my only pajamas I had and instantly regretted not asking for longer pants to sleep in.

"That isn't right, I'll sleep on the floor you can have the-" I raise a brow as he stopped talking and stared at the two daggers I had in my hands.

"You were saying?" I sent him a smirk to which he replied with one of his own, shocking me partly.

"You haven't changed a bit. I was saying that I wasn't going to take the bed, but since you are insisting, I insist that you also take the bed." I pushed the slight blush that came with the butterflies in my stomach.

"Uh, sure. I, yeah. Whatever." Well I totally didn't nail that. And judging from the larger smirk on Bellamy's face, he thought I sounded like a babbling baboon too.

"I uh, don't have anything that will fit you for obvious reasons. So you'll just have to wear that." I called out as I entered the small bathroom, not hearing his slight chuckle of amusement.

Oh what have I gotten myself into?? Roomies, with him! High-five for possibly the best worst decision ever. Try to control the unknown emotions now why don't you, young blood.

I looked into the small mirror and hit my head against my reflection.


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