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"Alpha-Delta 2, we've reached the intake. One prisoner in custody." The two of us stared at the walkie as I pulled it from my vest, shocked that we were getting signal down here.

"Your mission was to bring back both of them. The outsider cannot be allowed to leave this mountain. Alpha-Delta one coming out now." I shut the walkie volume off and followed the hazmat back to the intake doors. My left hand grasping the axe I had pulled from the other's back as I waited until we got to the familiar path we had split from the other group.

I swung the gun to my back before sneaking up behind the hazmat and slicing the axe across his throat, pulling his mask off as I did. His knees shaking before he fell face first onto the ground. A puddle of blood surrounding him as I buried the axe into his back and grabbed the signal tube, slipping it around my belt loop before taking off in a run towards the intake doors.

When I got to a fork and began to turn left I watched three hazmats run up to me in hot pursuit of something.

"Let's go Kane." The lead guy said before they took off leading me to sprint to catch up.

"Clarke?" My question went unanswered until we slowed down when we came across Anya and the girl in question.

"Hello again." I grinned evilly as I pushed past the three other hazmats to reach the front, my grin turning into a soft smile and a quick wink once I knew I was well in front for them to see anything. "Going so soon?"


"Just give up Clarke, you have no where else to go." I heard one of the men say from behind me as the sounds of their guns being raised directed my attention. I raised my own as the strap clung to the back of my shoulder and aimed the gun at Clarke, while nodding slightly at Anya to go.

"Anya!" Clarke's call echoed as I took a few steps closer, a plan already in action. When the blonde turned back to face us I knew then that she was going to ask me to come with her. I shook my head no as the idea crossed her eyes, our people needed me here.

"Clarke, please come back. I won't let anything happen to you or our people." I spoke lowering the point of my gun slightly. "Just, put down the gun. Come back with me." I added emphasis, trying to get the message to her once I saw the look of recognition, I turned firing at the three hazmats as Clarke sent a bullet grazing my calf where I had directed her to with a point of my finger.

"Clarke! Go, now!" I shouted as I fell to the ground bleeding and crawled over to the three now dead hazmats. I sent her a glance before grabbing my walkie.

"Help." I cried into the device, before pulling my finger off the walkie and looking at Clarke.

"Go. Find them." Clarke hesitated but with a nod she turned and jumped from the ledge into the roaring water below. I dragged my body to the rock wall and leant back as I stared at the empty space, exhaustion finally creeping up on me. The desire to rest began to take over, but I wasn't done. My job, my duty, my responsibility, was not finished.

"This is Atlys Kane, I've been shot, three others killed. If anyone can hear me, please." I remained strong in my words as I set the walkie to the side and began to scrappily dress my wound. The sleeves of my long sleeve black shirt turned into a tourniquet as well as a temporary bandage to the seeping wound.

I found the bloodied bullet a few feet away and sighed knowing that Clarke managed to do exactly as I needed her to do. Even though it hurt like a bitch.

"Once again, this is Atlys Kane. If anyone can hear me, please. I've been shot in the tunnels. I repeat I'm in the tunnels near the dam exit. If anyone can hear me, respond." I kept my voice even as I felt my eyes begin to flutter.

It was silent other than my breathing as I fought the sleep racing through my body by humming a song. Then another, and another. The power and volume getting lower and lower until I was merely whispering. I wasn't going to die from this bullet wound, but if I couldn't stay awake if I need to defend myself, the Reapers would surely get me.

"Stay safe Clarke, find the Ark, find our people, find Bellamy. I've got everyone and everything covered in here. May we meet again." I sighed closing my eyes and sat peacefully in the silence.


Just as I gave into the darkness that flooded my vision I brought my walkie to my mouth one last time.

"This is Atlys Kane..... tunnels, water dam, I've been shot..... help, ouch.... Medical, help." I set my hand down with my walkie as the other grabbed the signal tube should I need it.

Seems like I would be spending the night outside once again. Only this time I'm bleeding and have carnivorous beastmen as neighbors. Oh what joys.

Persphyni : I am DangerousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora