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This time!!?

Bellamy and I shot each other a worried glance. I nudged my head in the direction of the vent and we both beelined it. I slid in first so I could get us back to level four faster than Bellamy could have. Plus with the fact I had the entire map in my head, it was the obvious choice.

"Please tell me you heard all that." Bellamy said from behind me as we made our way through the vents. I didn't bother asking for their response as I got us back to the ladder we had taken to get into the vents.

"Clarke wait." I turned around to look at Bellamy as we both stood upright. "Octavia was in TonDC when I left. Is she?" He trailed off, probably Clarke had cut him off. "Okay, good. You be safe too."

"Come on. Before maintenance gets a call about voices in the vents."


I was in the shadows once again, watching as the team of guards busted in again. Only this time Bellamy was one of them, with an extra gun. I knew where the guards' locker room is, don't ask how or why. Not my best moment.

The guards cleared out of the room dragging one of the girls with them. Not even checking to make sure the doors shut fully as they turned the corner. But that was their mistake as I took off in a sprint. My feet silent as I made it to the doors just in time. Bellamy's head turning at the last second as I mouthed 'sorry' to him. His face falling was the last thing I saw as I dove into the room, rolling up onto my feet and looking around at my family.

"Atlys?" They all collectively ran and gave me a hug. Soft tears in some of their eyes as they found hope with in me, the girl who hates hope. Oh the sweet sick irony.

"What are you doing in here?" Jasper asked as he slipped the gun into his waistband.

"I'm here to help you guys fight out of here. Also, don't worry about calling me Atlys, Persphyni is fine. It's time they learned who they were really dealing with." With that I pulled out my small pistol I had swiped from one of the guard's pockets as I innocently walked by, and fired directly into the two main cameras. Completely killing surveillance in the bunk room.

"Now, who's ready to dance." I smirked at the teens who's adrenaline began to pump. My own joining as I waited in anticipation.


They didn't come to get anyone at the next three hour interval. Tsing was probably focused on getting the bone marrow perfectly. And Cage was probably too focused on TonDC to push her to hurry.

I sat in the far corner closest to the door and away from the view of the windows. Switching the channels of my walkie, I had snagged back, every few seconds trying to hear anything. The absolute boredom and anticipation was causing me to get antsy, I almost regretted coming in here. Almost.

I eventually put my walkie aside, still on just in case anyone decided to chill on channel thirteen, and began to hum.

The noise slowly decreased as everyone in their beds turned to face me with nostalgia. Eventually my hum turned into words and I was singing like I had done so many nights ago. Only this time, aware and in front of a live audience of forty three.

"You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper"

I let myself think I was back on the Ark just singing to Clarke, trying to get her to fall asleep. Let myself think back to the simpler days when I only focused on me. I let myself think back to the day I was supposed to die, I thought I was ready then, but my own selfishness and the desire to see Clarke took over and I got on the dropship. And I stayed alive. At any point I could have laid the dagger to my heart. Ended the monster inside, and I'm still trying to figure out why I haven't.

Maybe I'm trying to redeem myself by saving my family I've come to know, or maybe I'm too selfish of my own life to let it go.

"Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper."

I hope Bellamy is doing better than I am, drowning in my own thoughts.


"Whitman are you in position? Over." My head snapped down to my walkie as I turned the volume up as Cage spoke. They were about to launch the missile. Clarke, please get out of there. Octavia too, that girl is too in tune to not be there. And if she was, then Clarke lied to Bellamy. Which made sense as to why he was interrupted and answered so fast.

This realization made me stand up rapidly, alerting some of the others in their beds. The rest sleeping to get enough energy for the next break-in.

"Affirmative sir. Confirming target coordinates now, over." I'm assuming that's Whitman. My nerves were on fire as I sat on the sidelines unable to do anything.

"North 38 degrees, 54 minutes, 25 seconds." Damnit! Come on, Clarke get everyone out. They won't fire at an empty camp would they? I had to do something. But what. My eyes slowly drifted to my walkie, the only way was to create a diversion to give her some time. And since I was locked in here, well, here goes trying.

"To think the missile was built for self defense." I spoke away from the walkie, making my voice sound somewhat different from mine. There was silence over the line.

"Who is this? You're on a private channel." Cage's voice came in through my walkie.

"I'm afraid I don't know." I kept the deeper voice with my walkie far enough away so they thought someone was eavesdropping and not taking directly into the mic.

"Whitman, is this coming from you?" Cage asked again. I would have laughed at the confusion had this not been a pressing matter.

"This idiot believes he is actually saving his people." I altered the deeper voice slightly to make it seem like a different person talking. After a minute of silence Cage returned.

"Who is this? I repeat, who is speaking." I hope I gave you enough time Clarke, if not, I'm sorry.

"Hello, Cage. Or should I saw President Wallace. I hope you've enjoyed your seat, because it will not last." I spoke in my normal voice, forgetting the consequences in order to give Clarke a few more seconds.

"Atly-" I shut my walkie off and threw it on the ground. Grabbing one of the unplugged lamps, I proceeded to smash the thing into bits. Knowing I had just lost a vantage point but when I picked up the small red flashing button, I knew it was worth it. I set the button on the ground and crushed it with the heel of my boot. The small tracking device shutting down and breaking.

I made eye contact with Jasper, Monty, and Miller who seemed to be the only three still up and gave them a sigh.

"I had to buy Clarke some time." I elaborated further at their confused looks. "They are about to bomb TonDC, one of the grounder villages that our people went to for a meeting."

Their faces soon reflected my own internal thoughts, worry and anticipation evident as we all sat in silence.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now