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My eyes scanned the cameras, switching a few of them to show Cage in Dante's quarantine room. The former was just about to leave when Dante called out to him. I walked over to one of the controls and turned the volume up.

"The largest population of that army is grounders, no?" Cage nodded at the old man. "The power of losing motivation is a helpful tool in winning any war. The grounders motivation is?"

"Their people." Cage replied, a grin on his face as he looked to his dad. "Thank you."

"I didn't do this for you. I did this for my people." Dante's eyes met mine through the cameras and I swear he could see me, but I know he couldn't. But I had seen enough, Cage was going to strike a deal with the commander. And that would leave my people, once again relying solely on me. Just like before Bellamy got down here.

I didn't spare the five guards in the corner a glance as I stepped over one of the blood trails and exited the room. Heading straight for where Cage would go next, right for the grounders. Which wasn't good for us, because Bellamy was sending our people to the Harvest Room. Giving Cage the two for one, making him even more smug. Making me want to slit his throat even more.

His kill was mine, and everyone knew that. I had made sure Clarke informed the grounders and other Arkies to harm but not kill, that would be my blow to land. As for those in here, well, they wouldn't get close to Cage without me knowing.


"Damnit!" I looked at the empty room, the door open as I saw nothing. Cages open, locks on the floor, but no grounders nor my family. Only the lone body of Vincent, Maya's father. I pocketed the keycard and clenched my fists against my dagger hilts trying to figure out where I would go next. Where would Bellamy be? The tunnels.

And with that, I turned on my heel and sprinted to the stairs. My hand wrapped around a walkie as I went, not knowing if everyone was on level five or if some of the cured people were checking other floors.

I didn't stop until I hit tunnel level then busted through the door and towards the end of the hallway, turning left, and seeing the door to get to the tunnels.

I didn't stop sprinting until I reached the door and swiped the card, the light turning green as I yanked open the door to see Octavia on the floor. Though she looked so different than the Octavia who I had witness jump in a river only a few months ago.

"Via?" Her head snapped up to see me step out into the tunnel, the door shutting behind me as I took another step forward.

"Persphyni?" She stood up and I could have laughed at seeing her familiar face with so much unfamiliar paint on it. So I did, I let out a laugh as I ran to wrap her in a hug. Her own laugh escaping as her arms clung to me as she pulled tighter into the embrace. I bit my lip to stop the groan that threatened to escape when I felt a stretch on my right side. Soon we broke apart and I admired her new wardrobe.

"You look good, that's new." I didn't point at her hair or her face paint but at the fresh mark on her neck. To which she brought a hand up to it and sighed.

"It's a long story, which I'll tell you all about when we get everyone out of here." I could tell I missed a lot and I wasn't sure if I was glad or not.

"Deal. Now, let's get inside the cage I've been trying to break out of." She grabbed her bag and new sword before following me to the door where I scanned the key card. Waiting for the light to flash green only for it to beep and stay on red. I tried it one more time and got the same result. I groaned when I remembered what all entitled quarantine protocols.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I turned to her and held up the key card.

"We can't get in, that's what's wrong."

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now