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"Hey! Let me out!" I slammed my fist against the white door as I yelled. "Quarantine doesn't last this long!" I said pounding the door again.

I had gone from a quarantine room to this one where Dr. Tsing led me in only to disappear ten minutes after checking my thigh wound that had healed significantly. The woman had taken her keycard and locked me in from the outside. The action unnerved me to no end as I continued to pound at the perfectly white door.

Perfect. Clean. Bland. Caged. I was caged in again. The thought overriding my brain as I whipped around the room. The brightness of the lights and white new as I fell into the darkness once again. My back stung as I held in my breath.

I needed to calm down. I wasn't up on the Ark anymore. In fact, the Ark was down here. And I'd be damned if I let them or anyone else try to control me. Try to cage me. My eyes went to the white bed with clean sheets and metal framing. My smirk grew as I ripped the metal from the bed, the harsh crash brought me delight knowing they'd have to fix another thing.

I twirled the metal pole around before slamming it up into the camera, the door window following. Once I cleared all of the glass from the circular window, I reached my hand through and felt for the knob, only these were keycard scanned doors. I tried to remember anything from the books back on the Ark to try and hack into the pad, but eventually gave up and started to wack it with a smaller metal piece as the long one I had used as a staff wouldn't fit through the window for me to hit with.

It worked though as the metal casing eventually cracked and popped off, the wires exposed as I blindly grabbed ahold of them and held my breath as I pulled. The slight zap was a relief as I expected worse, an image of Lincoln and Raven flashed through my head.

That's done with, it's over, you have more important things to focus on. You have people trapped inside this mountain. I slammed on the door once more, both of my arms inside as I rammed into it. Two thuds sounded as I hit my shoulder against the door, each time getting closer and closer to opening it. Finally, the third time I ran and slammed into the weak spot of the door. The white metal swung harshly open as my momentum carried me out and nearly into the wall across from the room I had just exited.

My breath slowly evening as I collected myself before retracing my steps I had willingly taken with Dr. Tsing, my gut scolding my brain as I replayed the scene in my head.

I made it back onto the elevator, my key card surprisingly still worked as I went up to where the president's office was instead of down to level five where my people were.

The opening of the metal sent me stalking out and twirling my long metal piece I now wielded like a staff. The president's personal body guards stood blocking the hallway to Dante's office. A smirk growing on my face as my plan had worked, thank you cameras.

"I just want to talk." No I didn't, I wanted the five men to attack me so I'd have a reason to show the mountain what happens when they mess with me. "Take me to Dante, or I'll take myself." The four surrounding guards stood in a defensive stance as the fifth one started to quietly talk to his earpiece.

I twirled the staff around and slammed it on the concrete floor smirking even more at the slight flinch of the guards.

"You have five, four," I slowly got closer and closer to the awaiting guards, "three, two-"

"Let her through."

"Good choice." I mocked as I walked past the five security guards after dropping the metal staff far behind me.

"Take me to your father, Cage." I ordered once I reached him and continued walking as he fell in step beside me.

"First let's get you your clothes. I don't think you want to be in that any longer." I looked down at the white tank top and white mid thigh shorts I had to wear for their stupid quarantine scan.

"Fair point." I went to turn around but his hand shot out and stopped me, our eyes level as I eyed him curiously.

"I brought them with me seeing as you would have most likely come here first." I didn't bother looking at him in surprise as he gave a small smirk out of pride. "They're in my room." I grabbed on to the small warning sign in my head as I pulled my hand free and motioned for him to lead. The feeling has always been there and never has steered me wrong.

I eyed Cage and the hallways carefully as we went deeper into the level finally reaching a room labeled "C4G3".

"Cute." He rolled his eyes as he unlocked it.

"Laugh all you want. You have some embarrassing secrets too no doubt." I pondered on his accusation for a bit as he walked over to a dresser while I stood in the doorway. The room smelt of spice and a hint of mint.

"No. I was well aware of my own actions and was ten steps ahead. Always." I started to walk towards the only other door as he grabbed something from inside the dresser that was on the opposite side of the room.

"Interesting. So tell me about space." I heard the dresser shut as I reached the door.

"Nothing to it. Cold, dark, empty." Bloody. I pulled on the door handle and watched it slowly open towards me. The light of the bathroom flooding in.

"That can't be all? Fine. Tell me about Earth." I heard him walking towards me as I began to slip inside the door once I saw my clothes laying on the counter. I turned around sticking only my head out of the door and stared him straight in the eyes.

"Free." I shut the door soon after when I saw his hand twitch behind his back. Whatever he held I didn't want to find out by surprise.

"It was green, fresh, a new start." I continued the monologue as I quickly changed into the cargo pants with my belt and empty dagger sheaths. "It was adventure, exhilarating." These were words I wouldn't say aloud, but I needed to keep him distracted and buy me time. The black long sleeve followed by the camo vest, though the walkie from earlier wasn't apart of the pile.

"The moment I first breathed in the oxygen and felt the down pull of gravity, I felt right." I checked myself in the mirror and blinked at what I saw.

"The sun, the warmth, it was like a blanket. A beautiful," my fingers touched the glass, "bright, blanket that burned," my fingers left the glass and I whispered the final sentence to myself, "burned, my demons away, brightening my darkness."

My words were quiet as I turned to the door, grabbing the broom that was sat in the corner behind the blockade between me and the quiet Cage.

I listened for any sound, but I couldn't even hear his breathing. I slowly rested my hand on the knob and began to turn.

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