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Of course we ran behind the furthest oxygen tank from the vent. Because who doesn't love flammable things, flammable...oh shit. My eyes went down to Bellamy's hand that held the torch then back up to his face as he was already looking at me.

"Highly flammable." I whispered to which he nodded to. "Great, the Bellamy plan." He sent me a small glare as he set the torch up.

"Shut up, you love it." He had me there. But I wasn't going to give him the victory.

"Well discreet isn't necessary something we need to be. They already know we are here, so, what the hell."

"No, it's whatever the hell we want."

"Right, my bad." I rolled my eyes as I peered around the tank that was currently being approached.

"Hurry, I'd like to not be singed today."

"Yes, your majesty." He rolled his eyes as he finally finished setting the torch up to the tank.

"I guess I'm going first." I looked down at the guns he had at his side as he gave me a nod. "Great."

I backed up, still hidden by the tank and took a deep breath. "You'll be right behind me?"


"No other hero shit okay?"

"So nothing like you pulled during the battle with the grounders?"

"That was different." I said not looking at him, my focus on the vent, that was my target.

"Not really."

"Yes it was, I saved you and went in to save someone else. I was a sacrifice for people who deserved to be saved." I didn't let him respond as I took a running start towards the vent.

Once I got passed the tank, they opened fire. Bullets whizzed passed as I dove into the vent, my adrenaline racing as I kept going to give Bellamy, who was right behind me, more room.

"Keep going." He commanded, and he didn't need to tell me twice. The faster I got out, the faster Bellamy could.

I kept crawling despite my want to turn and face the gunshots being fired until I ended up on the grate where I could lean against the wall and sit with my legs straight, waiting for Bellamy to get back.

I couldn't feel anything as my blood continued to buzz, my adrenaline and worry spiking as a loud explosion sounded from the vent. And seconds later something else came from the vent. Bellamy's body flew to the opposite side, flames licking the vent and air he had just come through.

Relief flooded through my veins as I saw he was unharmed, a small laugh escaped me as I pulled him over to me. As if it woke him up, he turned us slightly so I was cradled in his arms, almost perfectly surrounded by his body as we pushed against the metal and covered our heads until the flames seized.

Minutes later, the other flames dwindled and we were able to uncurl and lean against the wall. Our legs stretched out in front and our backs against the wall.

"Well Beast, you're not as dumb as I took you to be." He laughed a little as he found my hand and squeezed.

"Yes, well I had some motivation." We shared a smile, though his held a deeper meaning as did my own.

I felt my head spin and I laid it down on his shoulder as I could feel my blood pumping throughout my body. My ears hurt and my head, not to mention the pain in my side that arose suddenly. Bellamy set his head on top of mine and I closed my eyes.

"You deserve to be saved too." He whispered, but I could barely hear him as my side flared with rage. Keeping my face as blank as possible even as pain threatened to break my resolve.

Slowly, I reached a hand to my right side and held back any reaction as a jolt of pain passed through me. The slick feeling of blood followed and I knew I had been shot. Great, just what I needed.

Opening my eyes, I pulled my hand from beneath my leather jacket, which somehow didn't have a hole on the side where it seemed the bullet had skimmed, and down to my side as I stared at the red liquid doting my fingers. I looked at my bag over by the ladder and knew I had to get the wrap I stored in there just for this occasion. But I couldn't get up with this headache, even if it was slowly going away.

"Bellamy. We should probably go." I whispered. To which he hummed in response. But neither of us made a move.

"We can definitely take a break afterwards. In fact, you can carry me back to wherever home is now." I playfully poked him to which he just snorted at.

"Sure thing your majesty." I rolled my eyes and pulled my head to look at his soft smirk.

"It's an order, King."

"Why of course, Queen."

He stood up first, offering a hand to which I hesitated but gave him my left for him to pull me up. And when I was finally standing I could feel the wound. Although it was shallow, it still hurt. And how it was placed made it painful to move, but I think I managed to just get a skin breeze hit, where the bullet just skimmed the area.

If so, then the guards had bad aim. If not, well, I need to get everyone out now.

"You start going, I have to grab something." I told him as I reached my backpack. My strides as normal as possible as I ignored the pain and blood I could feel being soaked up. If I didn't get this cleaned and bandaged I could end up dying in more than one way. And I wouldn't go out from disease.

"Okay, we meet at the rendezvous point in thirty." Bellamy's adrenaline had started back up as he was ready to get out of here. And with us being so close to success I could tell he wanted to get everything necessary finished fast.

"Yes, I might be a little late, you know with all of the cages." He simply rolled his eyes and started to climb up the ladder to reach the floor we had started on. I continued to dig in my bag with my left hand like I was looking for something until I heard the door shut. I didn't want him to potentially look down and see my right hand, which now held more blood than it had before.

I pulled my leather jacket off, and ripped my shirt instead of taking it off because the movement would have agitated the cut. I set both my leather jacket and bottom half of my shirt, which now was to an inch below my boobs, and examined the bright and deep red on the pale surface of my skin.

There, below my last rib and just above my hip was a perfectly straight wound that had rounded ends from a curved bullet. Blood still came from it though not as fast, but definitely still detrimental if I kept letting it.

"Okay. Time to not get sick or die."

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now