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I didn't bother slowly looking out the door, I pulled it fully open and threw the broom out into the room. Directly into Cage's face. He fell down onto the floor, groaning as he held his face. The yellow broom clattering beside him.

"Ow, the hell?" He groaned as he struggled to sit up to see me still standing in the doorway.

"Where's my daggers?" I played my disappointment off with the question.

Cage didn't say anything as he pulled the two daggers from behind his back, a sudden wave of awkwardness crashed as I carefully walked towards him.

"Cool. Thanks." I walked up to Cage and swiped my daggers from his grasp and taking a few steps back before sheathing them.

"Why did you throw a broom at me?" Cage finally managed as he slowly stood up using the door to help him.

"I don't need to justify myself to you, or to anyone for that matter. I did what I did for a reason, and that reason is my own. Cause at the end of the day, no one else gives a damn about my reasons. Because they are mine." As I spoke I got closer to the door. Cage's face confused as he took in what I had said. "You got a little blood right there." I pointed to my left nostril before vanishing out the door. Leaving Cage, the awkwardness, and the broom in his room.

Time to go find Mr. President.


"What do you mean she went crazy?" I held back the urge to yell at Dante as him and doctor Tsing restated everything from before.

"Clarke ripped her stitches out, we think she went a little mad and it caused her to harm herself." Dr. Tsing repeated. That didn't sound like Clarke. She doesn't just go mad and harm herself, no, she had another motive.

"I want to see her." Dr. Tsing and Dante looked at each other warily.

"Only patients are allowed in Medical." Dr. Tsing informed with a fake grin. I took a step closer and set my hands on my hilts, a small grin of my own on my mouth.

"No, no. You didn't hear me. I am going to see Clarke. Right now." I stared down at Tsing before turning to Dante. "Look, she's one of my people. And if you were in my place, you'd stop at nothing to make sure, with your own eyes, that she was safe. And before you say that this is different, I'm going to agree. This means even more." When I saw Dante's resolve start to falter I moved around them and set my hand on the desk near by and pulled out the dagger from Miller's dad.

"And if only a patient is allowed in Medical," I twirled the blade in my hand and neared my inner elbow that lay face up on the desk, "then so be it." I set the tip of the blade on my arm and slowly began to dig in.

"Wait, stop. Just," I looked over to Dante as he gave Tsing an exasperated look, "take her to see Clarke. You get ten minutes, it's rude for the other patients in there." I pulled the blade from my skin and licked off the blood. Was it sanitary, well I did live in space for eighteen years plus the few months on the ground, but was it meant to scare them. Yes, it was a nice refresher for them to remember I was dangerous because they didn't know me.

"Wonderful." I slid the dagger back in its sheath and gave Tsing a smirk. "Lead the way, Doctor."


Dr. Tsing opened up the door and walked out holding it open for me.

"She's asleep, but I just set a new bandage on her stitches. You have ten minutes." I remained neutral before walking in and grabbing the door handle and pulling it shut behind me.

"Well that doesn't look like sleep to me." I mocked as I walked closer to the bed the blonde laid in as she snapped her eyes closed when she noticed someone else was walking in.

"P- Atlys?" Clarke cracked an eye open before smiling making me smile.

"Hey Clarke." I knelt down beside her med bed and looked at the white bandage on her forearm. "Heard you went a little berserk, had to come make sure you weren't trying to do any other bodily harm to yourself." She rolled her eyes at me before flicking them to the man a few beds down from her. I followed her eyes and saw Sergeant Langston.

"He looks better." I commented standing up making Clarke look at me peculiarly. "He was exposed to radiation this morning." I remained as broad as possible.

"How do you? Wait, were you there?" I continued to look at the Sergeant, face a mask as Clarke stared fire into the side of my face.

"No. Word travels around the guard pretty fast though. Especially with commanding officers." The lie fell off my tongue so elegantly that Clarke didn't question it as she stood up and moved passed me to walk over to the man.

I followed closely behind and went on his other side as Clarke called his name and shook him. As she was shaking him I looked at the blood tubes coming from the left side of his chest. Following the liquid up and to the wall, one coming and one going.

"Clarke?" She was the daughter of a doctor, she had more experience in this scenario.

"Transfusion." She whispered and began to walk away, following some hidden trail which I blindly walked down with her. "The blood, it follows this piping." She explained, finally showing me why she was heading towards the door that looked cemented shut. We would need a key card, which I don't have. I also didn't have a lot of time.

"Okay, but we have to be quick." I scanned the door as Clarke pushed on it, getting no where as she turned to face me with a worried look. I saw the vent moments before Clarke, only she got there first. I boosted her up to pull the vent out, only regretting my decision once I looked up to see her progress.

"I'm going first." Clarke went to protest but I had already dropped her down, the metal vent in her hand. "I'll pull you up, but you're ass is naked and I'm not trailing behind that." I took a running start at the wall and caught onto the sides before pulling myself up and in, turning around and reaching a hand to Clarke after bracing myself.

"Trust me. I won't let you fall." I small grin grew on my face. "Nor will I threaten you with it like Bellamy." I watched her give a small laugh before shaking out her nerves and taking a running start as well. I grabbed her left hand and then her right as she pushed off the wall with her feet and I pulled backwards into the vent. Soon, the two of us were safely inside and making our way into the hidden room.

When I popped the vent off and stared into the room, I felt the air get sucked from my lungs and the warning sign gloating as I slowly stood in the room. My face externally blank but my mind was racing. Eyes scanning the two bodies then drifting to the cages.

We are not safe.

We are not safe.

My people were going to end up just like Lincoln's, just like


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