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I sat next to Clarke on her top bunk as she drew on the map the girl, Keenan, had given her. The exits weren't to be found until Clarke started to use her knowledge plus mine to add additional rooms and features to the mountain.

"Somewhere the mountain connects to a mine system. They took you all in large carts before I went with the Major, Sergeant, and Captain." I remembered as I looked down at the map.

"The quarantine was here." Clarke added as she drew the lines of a room and labeling it 'White Room' before putting the pencil to her chin, thinking.

"Clarke?" I started swinging my legs over the side of the bed, "I want to say thank you. I never got to before the battle and now is probably the best time to tell you." She set the pencil down and turned to face me as I took a deep breath in.

"I, I didn't have an easy life. No one really did. But I never was good at being social and you helped me get through a lot of that. Truth be told, I'm not sure what I would have done as soon as we landed down here had I not had a friend to find and keep me grounded. Literally." I chuckled at my joke as Clarke gave me a comforting smile. "What I'm trying to say is that you helped shine a light that gave me a purpose other than to kill. And I wanted you to know in case something happens, that when you get out and the rest of our people, I won't feel bad if you don't remember me. Cause I know that I'll always remember you. Even if always is only for tomorrow." I kept my voice quiet as I held my emotions in.

I may have been speaking my mind but I still didn't want to show it or my heart. A facade. It's what I always wear and never take off. The one time I did was the night of the bridge and the crash.

"Pers," she wrapped me in a hug, the map and art supplies from Dante falling to the floor, "I won't ever forget you. You're my first best friend other than Wells." She choked a little on the name as I slowly caved into the hug, my chin resting on her shoulder.

"What if I want you to?" My voice wasn't even a whisper as I closed my eyes and hugged her tighter. Thinking about how I almost lost her, more than once. My brain mockingly laughing at me because I had become close to her and these people I called my family.

"I won't. It'll never happen." She tightened her arms around me as she spoke, proving that she was there.

"You promise?" My eyes fluttered closed as I leaned into her.

"Promise." She lifted her pinky into the air and I gently locked my own with hers, a smile on my lips.

We sat hugging each other, thanking whomever for keeping the other alive. The warm tears on my shoulder from Clarke let me know she thought I had died after I left the dropship. The idea saddened me as I thought about how she would have had to lead alone. Never again. We would lead together. All three of us. Just like before.

He had to still be alive. He just had to. And if he did follow me back into camp, then I'm going to kick his ass in hell.


I left shortly after our small bonding moment and telling the rest of the hundred goodnight. Promising them a story or song tomorrow night, tonight I would be getting rest and waking up early tomorrow to go on the surface patrol Dante had promised.

I had been stopped by the Sergeant, who was a massive grump but that was probably cause I held a gun to his head and threatened to blow a hole through it. The usual reason people hate me minus a gun plus a blade. But he had stopped me just before I exited the dining hall after Clarke to tell me not to be late or else he'd leave me in the bunker.

Which was why I intended on being the first person up and ready, punctually early. It's also how I ended up sleeping five hours and waking up with a frown when I wasn't met by the sky. I felt bad that these people couldn't ever go outside out of safety to themselves, but you'd think they'd figure some way to get the body to process radiation better. Like vitamins or was it vaccines. I'm not a doctor obviously.

But I did know one thing. Well, more than one, one thing. I did know how to survive. And to do that I had to be fully alert. Something I had slipped up on these past few weeks since turning eighteen. The day felt so long ago that I was banging on that door telling the guards they had the wrong room.

I was going to find out the ins and outs of this place even if it killed me. I would get my people out, I would get them safe. And if the mountain men try to hurt my family, I would make them pay.

I am dangerous. And the Mountain Men aren't ready for when I unleash myself upon them, and I will stand victorious.


The room was dark as I slowly rolled from the bed, my hand reaching for the flashlight someone had brought me as I felt my bare feet touch the cold metal floor. My bare legs exposed to the air as I stood in pajama shorts, the shorts were a velvet and so smooth that I would have worn them everywhere had they not been very inconvenient.

Not only were they practically showing my ass when I bent down, but they had tiny pockets in the back for decoration, a silk tie in the front, and were just genuinely too nice to get dirty. I would be stealing these. I swear to it. And this hoodie. The white jumper perfectly contrasted against the maroon velvet shorts. The inside soft and fuzzy, way better than the blankets that I had stolen from Bellamy only a few weeks ago.

I had the flashlight turned on and pointed up to the ceiling as I maneuvered around my room. Grabbing the black long sleeve and tan cargo pants, pulling those two items on followed by the camo vest and attached the walkie to it while sliding my key card and Cage's inside the small pouch up front.

I had been gifted things way too soon. Either these people were smart knowing I'd destroy this place or they were too trusting. Whichever was the case, I was way too giddy to be going back up top.

My belt was looped through the pants and daggers remained in their sheaths as I set the pajamas in a pile next to my olive jeans and olive long sleeve shirt they had given me yesterday. Apparently they didn't have people who looked good in olive green or they just didn't have enough red heads to wear it, but I was digging it. Plus, when I looked through the drawers near my wardrobe, I found tons of black.

The colored clothing made me feel more, well, like me. And once these people grew comfortable with me playing dress up. I would return to being me.

Which was a promise I made to my leather jacket as I hung it up in the closet and shut the doors with a sad goodbye.

For my people. For my family. For Clarke, Finn, Raven, and for Bellamy. I will pretend. And when their guard was down, I would show them how dangerous I really was.

Cause a weapon is only as dangerous as the wielder, and I was both all on my own.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now