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I sat crisscrossed on the floor flicking between channels on the radio to see if there was any action. On the tenth turn, I decided to power down and head back to level five only for voices to halt me in my motion.

"Checking the western boundary. Stand by, over. No signs of life. Over." I didn't recognize the voice but from the slight muffle I knew it was coming from a hazmat.

"Has the veil lifted yet? Over." I knew that voice, Cage. But what veil was he talking about?

"Negative, sir. Coverage is still 90 percent. Over." The first voice responded.

"Keep searching, if they pop up. Hit them again. Over and out." Cage finished talking and I changed channels before shutting down the walkie.

The other guy had to be outside in a hazmat suit, that or he was being decontaminated after being outside. Either case, someone was attempting to get in. And only one party of people on earth are brave enough, maybe even stupid enough, to approach this mountain.

I pulled on my vest over my black short sleeve tight shirt and slid my daggers into their sheaths. Once I had fastened my hair in a high ponytail I began out the door to level five. Towards my people.


"Pers-" I shot Miller a glare making him cough and correct himself. "Atlys. We're just about to sign up for this stupid thing Jasper and Monty told us about." I looked around the room to find the two in question and nearly growled at not seeing them.

"And where are they?" I looked back to Harper and Miller who shared a look.

"They went to medical, we were about to follow right behind them." I pursed my lips and nodded, rubbing a hand across my forehead.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be back tomorrow morning." I needed a distraction before I broke out and hunted the two down. And right now, the best way to get that was going to be training.

"Hey! Wait!" Miller grabbed my arm just as I was leaving the bunk room. "You've been missing for nearly a whole week after Clarke left, and when she was here, you were in and out occasionally. What is going on Atlys?" I looked around at the room of delinquents who were staring at me, the same thought in their minds no doubt. I nearly relaxed and spilled everything when I remembered the cameras in the room.

I yanked my arm from Miller's grasp, turning my back against the two cameras at the main door. I straightened my posture and set my hands on my daggers as I took a deep breath.

"Get some rest. All of you. Tomorrow I will be here in the morning when you wake up." I left no room for discussion as I walked out of the doors. Holding my head high as I walked back to my room for the third time today. Small clouds of disappointment filling my mind.


When I walked into the room the next morning the music was playing particularly loud and a group of six were talking on three lower bunk beds. I made my way over until I was standing right beside them as Monty commented into the group.

"..to hide the fact that they killed her?"

"Morning." I interrupted stepping over Jasper to sit next to Monty. "Have we all had breakfast yet?" The six looked at me like I was insane. And the enemy.

"You know what, I can sense I'm not welcomed at the moment. So please talk amongst yourselves. I'll be leaving. I need to go train anyway." I hid any emotion as I set the small journal I had written in on the bed where I had been sitting and left the room.

No one had spoken to me when I had arrived, and no one had as I left. I knew they were skeptical, which is why I wrote everything I wanted to say to them. Starting with Bellamy and Finn being alive. Then how I helped Clarke escape. And finishing with my promise to get them all out of there alive.

I also included a demand I asked of them involving their plans. I had asked for them to not explain anything to me until they needed me. It was better for me to be with them for a limited amount of time and not have a secret society every time we did talk.

Hurry Clarke. Judging from the small patches in my people's necks, Tsing has already begun to experiment. And I'd rather not find out what's next after blood treatments.


My grunts sounded through the empty gym as I punched and kicked the bag hanging from a metal chain on a cement rafter. My wrists had been wrapped and still had blood seeping through.

My long sleeve shirt, vest, daggers, keycard and walkie had all been set in a pile on one of the benches near me. More important things hidden from sight as I blocked everything from my mind. Letting myself get lost in the controlled violence.

I soon moved on to more skill work. Away from the bag this time. Just like near the pond many days ago, I slid my shoes off and began to glide around the mat. A small smile crossing my face as Bellamy's words about the gracefulness of my fighting compared to my horrid dancing floated through my head. The memory spurring on more of him, and the ground. The memories flashing too quickly for my eyes as I moved around the mat.

My tempo changed based on the emotion of the memory. I couldn't keep up and I felt my training slip out of the window. Soon I was spirally. Inside and out.

Silently, I crashed to the ground. My eyes slamming shut as I pushed back my emotions. They weren't necessary to my mission, my plan did not allow for such distractions. I could miss them all later after I saved my people from this mountain. Whether or not I would miss them forever, would depended on if I could complete my mission correctly.

And I would not fail.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now