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I fired a few more, wishing I had pointed tips to try and split one as I became more accurate. Laughing as I began to make controlled shapes out of different locations of arrows. Only stopping when I realized that the very last set of arrows had spelled a name, something I had unconsciously done and quickly destroyed as I plucked the arrows from the dummies and put the quiver and bow back where they belonged.

The sun had shifted yet again and I could tell it was getting close to dark, surprisingly no one had tried to come in yet nor try to find me. Or maybe I was just really good at hiding and the door was only able to lock and unlock from the inside.

Either way, I had missed lunch and would be missing dinner soon. There wasn't any hurry to get out of here as I wasn't hungry in the slightest. Which is why I ended up with my daggers in both hands and moving around the mats.

Dancing with my daggers would be the more appropriate term. After Bellamy's sass comment comparing my dancing and fighting skills, I've come to the conclusion that only one would save me should it come down to it. And the other, well, can go trip up another unfortunate soul.

I used my imagination and experience, creating scenarios as I moved along the mats. Daggers swinging and legs moving as I evaded and attacked shadow figures I created in my mind.

I pushed until I felt myself become exhausted, and when I hit that point, I pushed a little more. Only when the natural light finally darkened and was an hour from disappearing did I release my daggers, burying them in the heads of two of the dummies. A smirk on my face as I saw they were the two furthest from each other in scale. The closest and furthest from me.

I didn't let myself admire my handy work as I gave a deep inhale and exhale before walking towards the dummies only to hear a small cough from the corner of the room and whirl around to see an older man.

I relaxed and stood up right once I saw he wasn't a threat. His guard uniform and the rank he held clearly helped him in getting the door open as he began to walk over to me.

"David Miller." I spoke as I walked to meet him. Smiling at his slightly surprised facial expression. "Miller and I talked about you briefly." I watch him relax as he put a hand out.

"Persphyni Atlys Kane, it's kinda a mouthful, so Persphyni is fine." He matched my smile as we shook hands.

"Thank you for taking care of my boy." I saw his eyes begin to water and I wasn't sure what I'd do if he started crying.

"Always, he's my family now. Thank you for giving me the necessary equipment to survive down here." He laughed as I turned to the dummies and pulled my daggers out. Sheathing the gift from Lincoln and holding onto the one David had given me.

"I only gave you a few shiny materials, from what Nate's told me and what I've seen, you didn't necessarily need them." He did have a point, but I simply shrugged before holding the dagger in between us, hilt towards him.

"Oh no, that's yours now. Keep it, consider it a gift. It's better in your hands then on some shelf." He smiled as I looked at the beautiful dagger and happily pushed it into its sheath.

"Thank you, it's a beautiful piece."

"It's been in the Miller family for nearly three hundred years now. Not really sure why they brought it into space, but I guess that's a good thing." We chuckled before I started to walk back over to my clothes.

"Yeah, good thing indeed."

"I'll let you finish up here. I just wanted to thank you and reintroduced myself in better terms." I swore I saw him shiver a bit as if he remembered the day I took down three of his fellow guards and was about to make my way towards him.

"Of course, and thank you for the gift." He nodded in acknowledgement before walking outside of the training room, popping back in as he remembered something.

"Your dad has been looking for you by the way, he's in his office at the moment. I can get Nate to meet you at your room and walk you there."

"That would be much appreciated." I had no idea where his office was, and if this gave me a chance to talk with Miller, I'd take it.


"Thanks Nate," Miller interrupted me with a sigh.

"I told you not to call me that." I laughed out how adamant he was being.

"Only messing with you Miller, you'll always be Miller to me. Thank you, for real. I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you later PAK." I rolled my eyes at his new nickname.

"I told you not to call me that." I mocked making him roll his eyes at me.

"Only messing with you Persphyni, you'll always be Atlys or Persphyni to me." This time we both laughed as he walked away and I turned to knock on the door to my dad's office. The thing was on the other side of the freaking Ark, meaning I had to travel through all of the hallways before reaching his where the door was in the very back.

I held my breath as I knocked, listening for any signs of movement. Pulling away from the door when I heard footsteps approach and the door was swung open. My eyes meeting a not so happy-to-see-me dad as he stood with an eyebrow raised before stepping and beckoning me inside, then slamming the door shut when I stepped in.

"Sooo." I trailed off as my dad walked over to the desk and sat down with a sigh. "What's up?" I walked over to another table in the corner of the room and sat on top of it, crossing my arms and legs as I leaned against the wall looking at my dad.

He stayed silent before looking up at me and sighing. He sat up, placing his clasped hands down on the desk and pursing his lips.

"I've been talking with a few of the hundred whom I've recruited to the guard." He trailed off as he stood from his chair and walked towards me. "And they've all been adamant that I should ask. Additionally, from everything you've told me and what they've told me, I have a proposition." I hopped off the table and made my way over to meet him at his desk.

"As head of security and second acting chancellor, I'm recruiting you to the guard. As your father, I ask you take time to consider the option and I'll extend a test period if you are interested." I tried to bite back the smile that was making its way across my face.

"It's taken you long enough." He laughed before becoming somewhat serious again. "I'd like to take the test period first. As you remember from what I told you," We had our father-daughter sit down the second day I was back, so he is fully caught up in my life, past and present. "I haven't done much team stuff." I hesitated slightly as I tried to find the words to describe my hesitation to be in the guard.

"Bellamy said you'd say that."

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