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It had been four hours, those that were able to rest were woken up and soon they were all lined up with makeshift weapons. I had given Miller my small pistol instead of the dagger his father had given to me, because I couldn't part with it just yet.

They put themselves into a small wall formation, weapons behind them. Most of them consisted of metal poles from the bunk beds but they could definitely knock someone out. I stood sucked up to the corner waiting for the doors to open and the guards to walk in. From there I would, along with the others take them by surprise.

"What is taking Bellamy so long?" I looked to Monty curiously, why is Bellamy doing anything?

"I don't know." Jasper responded continuing to watch the doors.

"Maybe they caught him." Miller deadpanned as he too remained staring at the door.

"No." Jasper's blind faith almost made me smile. "Bellamy will figure a way out. I know he will." I snapped my head back to the door not letting my stupid feelings get hurt.

"It's already been four hours. The guards will be back any second." Monty's voice fluctuated as his nerves spiked.

"They're going to take someone else." Harper said softly aloud, worry evident in her voice.

"I'm not going to let that happen." I finally brought myself into the conversation, my eyes never leaving the door as I felt the stares on the side of my face. "You're all going to be okay. We are working on it, and I promise no one else is going to be taken."

"We stick to the plan." Jasper addressed everyone behind him as I pressed further against the wall, the alarms blaring almost perfectly in time with the motion.

The guards walked in and skipped right over me, giving me the chance to slip out and into the hallway. If they managed to get someone I would be out here waiting. That's what I had told everyone, I'd cut them off before they could get into the elevator in order to not totally blow my cover.

I waited by the elevator as the sounds of struggling began to dim, the doors mostly shutting now. And Tsing's voice and heels clicking signified she was on her way here. Meaning they did their job in distracting any potential pursuers while I got away. And I'm hoping Jasper did his job and made them take him instead of anyone else.

The second part of the plan was made last minute as Monty and Miller woke everyone up, Jasper and I adjusted the plan slightly in order to keep everyone else safe. The nerdy google-boy had grown into a confident heroic type. I just needed him to understand that even hero's have their downfalls, and sometimes their moral choices of not having a better option.

"As soon as we're in the lab, I want him prepped." I twirled my dagger as I leaned against the opposite wall of the elevator in the shadow of a cement pillar. A smirk growing as I waited patiently. "We start immediately."

"Copy that. Transporting asset, elevator C." Tsing swiped her card and I took that as my time.

"I'm afraid, that I'll take it from here." The two guards holding Jasper didn't have a chance as I flung my two daggers into their necks, getting Jasper free and stepping into the light. The man behind Jasper went to bring up his gun, but Jasper sent a a sharp elbow to his throat. And when the guard who had called in on the walkie tried to bring his pistol up, he wasn't able to as I swung low, knocking his feet from under him. That action alone would keep someone on the ground, but there he and the other guard who was still alive were. On the ground gasping for breath.

"Atlys." Tsing hissed then coughed as I pulled my daggers from the two men's throats. "Containment breach, seal the floor." She croaked into the walkie.

"Please, call me Persphyni. Or should I say, Bloodmoon." I went to slice her across the throat but paused as I saw her slide to the floor her skin turning a rash red. "Jasper, go get our friends." I commanded not turning to face him as Tsing gasped for breath. The alarms began to blare in the background.

When I heard his footsteps walk away I crouched next to Tsing's body with a small smile. "After all this, and you die from the one thing you were trying to prevent. I'm shocked you hadn't undergone the treatment. Nonetheless, it just shows how incredibly stupid you were to think you'd manage to kill my people when I was still in the mountain." I got up and walked over to the two guards still struggling for breath and mercilessly ended their lives so that I could have a one on one conversation with Tsing.

"H..how long ha..have-" I cut her off.

"Save your breath doctor. I was the one who helped Clarke escape, I found the grounders, I killed the men in the tunnels and I plan to kill many more if that's what it takes. Now if you don't mind turning off the walkie." I pulled her hand from behind her back and yanked the walkie out as the elevator opened and I dragged her inside as the rest of the remaining hundred began to filter out.

"I hope you know, you and Cage have doomed your people. The ground was and is no place for you. And you'll have to die with that." I whispered as I moved away from her watching as Jasper stopped the elevator doors from shutting.

"No. You can't." Her eyes flicked from me to Jasper then Monty and Harper who stood beside him, Miller soon joining.

"I hope you know you are incredibly special to us." Tsing began to hyperventilate and scream as her face bubbled from the radiation. I dropped down onto one knee and held my dagger to her chest.

"I'll give you the mercy you don't deserve, the lives of my family lay on your hands. As well as the people you are soon to lose. May we never meet again." I whispered, plunging the blade deep within her chest the blood gushing out as I stabbed into her heart. Her lungs swimming in fluid as she lay still. Dead.

"The rest of the guards will be coming soon." I stood turning to face the four at the elevator and stepping out to see the others. "This was only to buy us some time, and get us all out of the bunk room. Now we stand our ground until I can get you all out of here. Bellamy included."

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now