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Narrator's POV

It's been five months that Camilla has been away from Jacob. They both knew they need each other, but fear of the unknown disturbs Camilla.

Jacob was scared if he showed up she might reject him, breaking their bond completely. But Camilla secretly prayed that he'd come, she may not know it, but a part of her was waiting for him to come back for her.

Jacob died every day without her in his arms. His Ree, or his Cee. He missed her so much. Just as they did every evening together, he would go to the park and pray to the moon goddess for her to forgive him and come back.

He would go to the cliff each night before he sleeps and she would do that too. When they are there, they felt more connected to each other, and each day they did, the bond only grew stronger, making their time away harder for both of them.


Jacob sat there in the bar, taking a swig of his whiskey, clearly drunk. He didn't care about the seductive looks he was getting from the human women and girls, he was so lost in his world, he didn't even take notice of them.

He was in the human's city and he tried his best to not attract attention, even though that clearly wasn't working.

The bell on the door rung, signalling that someone just entered the bar.

Jacob didn't take note of the person. He kept on drinking his whiskey and babbling rubbish to himself. The seat beside him was drawn and someone ordered for a glass of apple juice.

The bartender looked at the person weirdly and raised an eyebrow at the person. After awhile, he left to go get the stranger's drink.

'Apple juice?' Jacob thought and it immediately reminded him of Camilla.

He turned to the person's direction but couldn't see their face. The person wore a cape and a scarf around their neck that hid their hair and face from him. Worse was that he was drunk, so he couldn't make out anything of the person.

The person stretched out their hand to take the drink and Jacob saw their hand, it was a female. He couldn't think straight in his drunk state, but he knew it was a female.

He watched as she brought the drink to her lips and took a sip before dropping it on the counter softly.

She turned her head and he got a good look at her face, she had glasses on and a clothe covered her mouth and nose, almost all of her face.

He felt the need to touch her, but he controlled himself even in his drunk state.


Camilla entered the bar and immediately the sweet peachy and pinewood scent hit her.

'Mate' her wolf, Aurora said and became restless immediately. It's been four years and some months that Aurora hasn't been given control. And she wanted her mate, badly. But she tried her best to control herself for Camilla, no matter how hard it was. She knew Camilla was still angry, and she was too. But she couldn't help the mate pull she felt, and the love she felt for him. No matter the anger and hatred she still felt.

Even if it broke Aurora when Camilla turned her back on their mate five months ago, she could understand her pain, and she tried her best to not be selfish and run back to him.

Even if she knew that she may not be able to resist her mate for too long.

Camilla took a seat beside him and ordered for apple juice. She never drank alcohol, Ryan never gave her alcohol. He restricted her from it saying it could cause unwanted results, that he never told her of. But she never questioned it, she hated the smell of alcohol, and as far as Ryan never drank it, she never drank it too.

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