29 - I Hope You Feel The Same Way Too

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We finish eating and we go to the park.

The moon is setting in early and we sit on the swings, moving really slowly.

"So..." I start, hoping this would ignite a conversation.

"So?" Oh, I forgot, with Euphoria, you don't start a conversation so easily.

"I...um...you know..you can- "

"Spit it out Jacob," she says with a bored tone.

"You were shining," I say. Gosh I must sound like a five year old.

Sorry five year olds, you are referred to for every childish thing.

"I knew you'll mention it sooner or later," she says and sighs.

"So, what was it about?"

"According to Ryan and magic, I exchanged my wolf for the power, the thing is that I just don't remember when it happened. But magic says so, and Ryan does too. I just wish I didn't, that was before, but yesterday, I'm so happy that I had it, even at the expense of my wolf," she explains.

She must miss her wolf. But should I tell her that my wolf sensed hers? That means she's still there, she's just weakened or coming back slowly. I don't think I should, yet.

"I was weak, that's because when ever I use it, I become weak, really weak. And if it doesn't work, well...I die. That's why I don't use it so much,"

Wait, what the hell! She could have died, and she still did it for me?

"How many people have you done it for?"

"Two. You and Ryan. Ryan was.....sick, and I was confused, because he was a demigod, they can't fall sick or die. But it worked on him, it just took a lot of my energy and I was on bed rest for like two months"

"Two months!" I say disbelievingly.

"He's a demigod, you're a werewolf, there's a huge difference," she says in a knowing tone.


"The ceremony, for me to join this pack, will it still hold? Do you still want me to join your pack?" She asks.

Did she think I was joking?

"Uh, hell ya! You saved my life, that's the least I can do for you," I say and swing higher this time.

"You can't beat me in swinging, I've been practising with Ryan, like my whole life," she says and swings really high.

"Oh it's on," I say and swing really high.

And that's how we spent our evening, laughing and playing like children. We watched the stars and saw the moon set. In a week or two, it'll be a full moon, and that's when I'll have her ceremony, because she is special.

Very special to me. But what I don't understand is why am I having this feelings and not feeling guilty because of Camilla? Do I not love her? I do, but...do I love Euphoria too?

My head is filled with questions, that I may never go the answers to. I hope I can get used to a full head then.

Two weeks later.....

These weeks went by really quickly, Euphoria healed completely and is now fully energetic, and we're looking forward to the ceremony tomorrow evening. I honestly cannot wait.

Everything was set and it has been announced. A lot of people are excited, because Euphoria is obviously loved by everyone. Not a day goes by without her humor and cheerfulness feeling the house. It feels like a home now, than a house. And it feels like she's already a pack member now. I just hope everything goes as planned.

"Jacob are you going to wear you tux?!" Jayna yells from downstairs.

"No!" I yell back and enter Euphoria's room and she's taking a shower. She doesn't know I'm in.

I just love her bed, there's something about it that justs makes me calm and coolheaded, I think I'll exchange her room for mine. We've been sleeping in each other's rooms for a while now.  She said my bed is more comfortable and I told her that hers makes me have a good sleep, which is nice and stress-free.

"What the hell are you doing here so early?! We switch by ten O'clock, not now! Its still nine!" She says and holds her towel tightly to her body.

I unknowingly check her out. Damn! She looks fiinee in a towel.

"Ya done checking me out?" She says and smirks.

"Yeah," I say and return the smirk. I just stole her fun of seeing me shy. She scoffs and I find it really hard not to laugh.

"Then get out,"she says and points to the door.

"Fine, I'm coming back by ten if you want to switch," I say and stand up.

"I don't want to switch," she said says and goes to the closet.

"Then I'm going to do what I have to do to get what I want," I say and before she could reply, I leave the room.

I walk into my room and turn on the lights, its been days since I slept here.

I lay on the bed and the feeling just feels foreign, it's slightly comfortable.
Euphoria is comfortable, she brings me comfort.

And it took me time to realise it but, I'm falling for her.

I'm falling in love again. And the feeling is amazing. Euphoria is different and I love her different.

She makes me feel appreciated, loved, she makes me feel...visible.

I look at the clock and see that's its ten minutes past ten. I was lost in thoughts for about an hour, took me too much time to think.

And Euphoria isn't switching, I don't want to sleep in my bed. I leave my room and go to hers, I tip toe into the room and see that she's asleep, really deep into sleep.

I quietly lie down on the bed and drag the comforter over my body. Thank goddess I made all the rooms in the pack house have large beds.

I see her shiver slightly so I go closer to her and use the comforter to cover her too. I cross my arm over her waist and see her move closer to me. I'm happy she's comfortable with me, even unconsciously.

"I like you, I hope you feel the same way too," I whisper into her ear and lay my hear on the pillow again.

I hear her mumble some words that I couldn't make anything out of.

I hope she feels the same way too.


Hello! He has finally confessed to liking her genuinely. I hope no one is still sad about Camilla, Euphoria is a really good character too, I hope you like her!

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