21 - The Demigod

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"That's what I was told," she says like she's trying to remember something.

"By who?"

"My trainer. He said my...parents were cursed...or something. So I was their only child and the moon goddess  punished them more by not giving me a mate." She said. The sadness in her voice was very visible.

I feel bad for her. I had a mate and I pushed her to her limit while she had none at all. Now I see why the moon goddess punishes me extra.

"I'm sorry," I say to her.

"It's fine. I don't think I deserve one, so no need to cry over spilt milk...that was even there." She says, I see the tears in her eyes that she quickly blinks them back and puts on a sad smile.

So this is all a facade. Training probably withdraws her mind from the fact that she isn't happy. I wish I could help her.

"What about you?" She asks, what does she mean?

"I mean your mate? What about her?" She asks.

"Oh," that's all I say. I don't think I want to tell her but she told me about her being mate-less, I can tell her this. I feel like I can trust her.

"I killed her," I say looking at my hands.

"You haven't told anyone this before, right?" She says and stands up, she sits on the seat in front of me and looks at me.

I nod my head and she exhaled loudly.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I didn't tell you about me so that you can tell me your secret too," she says.

"I mistreated her. She injected herself with wolfsbane and silver and died in my arms, cliche? I know, but it's true," I breathe out and look at her face.

She doesn't pity me as I expected, but she doesn't judge me either. I don't want her to pity me, I want her to judge me with her eyes, but she doesn't, she looks...neutral.

She stands and walks towards me, I look up at her and she kneels in front of me.

"I know you're not touchy, which is technically the opposite of me. I won't tell you it's not your fault she died, because it is. I'll tell you to move on and try remembering her for only good things, not her death." She says and holds my hands in hers.

She's been doing that lately, it's weirdly...comforting.

"Thank you?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Welcome?" She says and raises an eyebrow.

I chuckle and she giggles and stands up and goes back to her seat.

Nice laugh.

Ability to comfort and say the right words.

I'm learning some stuff about her, she doesn't seem like most rogues with disgusting smells, she actually smells fine. Like pinewood, nice smelling pine wood, and apples, lots and lots of apples.

Even her hair smelt like apples.

"You like apples?" I ask her.

"Oh, my favourites! Green apples are my best. But I love apple, every product I use is apple scented." She says.

"That's...weird. Then that's an obsession." I say and smile.

"Then I'm obsessed with apples. Lots of apples," she says and laughs.

Very nice laugh.

"So...tell me about your pack?" I say, hopeful for useful answers.

"Oh, Jacob."

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