4 - Tears Don't Go To Waste

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Camilla?" The voice says, and grabs my hand and lifts me.

"Derrick?" I ask unsure and squint my eyes to see the person through the darkness outside.

"Oh, Derrick!" I say when I realise it's him. I hug him tightly. He hugs me back and rubs circles on my back with his thumb in a soothing manner.

"Don't stop. Let it all out, darling" Derrick whispers to me. I don't understand, till I realise that I am crying.

"My tears are wasting," I say and let out a laugh sadly.

"Dearie, don't you know that tears don't go to waste? Just let it all out, the pain will reduce," he says and hugs me even tighter.

My best friend, my comforter, my lost but found brother, my Derrick.

"Tell me something, Derrick?" I say still hugging him.

"Have you found your mate?" I ask him.

"I haven't found her, but I was hoping I would find her here." He says.

"You're mate is meant to give you happiness and joy and make you happy, right? They are supposed to make you complete, right?" I ask between sobs.

"Have you found your mate?" Derrick asks me with wide eyes.

"I..I-" Before I could finish my sentence, Derrick is on the ground, holding his nose which was bleeding badly, while Jacob was on top of him punching him on his face.

"Please stop. Jacob, please stop! Stop!" I beg him and pull on his shirt.

He stands up from Derrick and hugs me. He puts his face to my neck and sniffs me.

How dare him?! Behaving like he cares, after all he has done to me.

"Why are you supporting him? You are smelling like that rat, why?" Jacob asks me and removes his face from my neck and holds my hand tightly.

"Leave me alone! Let me go!" I yell at him while looking at my brother who was rolling and bleeding on the floor.

"Stop looking at him!" He yells at me.

"Let go!" I yell trying not to look into his eyes.

He drags me off to some other place and slams my back against the wall. This is definitely going to leave bruises.

"Why did you hit him? Why are you a monster? Why does it seem like I have to share everything with you? Why are you my mate? Mates are meant to make you happy not heartbroken!" I yell why hitting his chest with my hands, ignoring all the sparks that I'm feeling from the contact.

"Stop it!" He yells at me trying to hold my hands.

"Let go! I wish you aren't my mate! I wish I didn't work for you! I wish my mum never left me! I wish I didn't have to see your face every year on my birthday knowing that I'll have to share it with you! I wish I could reject you! I wish I never met you!" I cry and hit his chest harder with my fists, spilling all of my hearts content.

"Stop it!" He yells at me holding my elbows to stop me from hitting him.

"Let go!!! Let go!! Let go! Let go," I yell as my voice starts to break and get less loud.

He doesn't even apologise, he just stomps off leaving me in dark alley.

I slump on the floor and soak my dress with tears.

I stand up and make my way outside to see my brother still on the floor, rolled up in a ball.

"Derrick!" I yell and run to him. His face is badly bruised with cuts and bruises everywhere. His side is bruised and he is holding it with his hand.

I try my best and carry him into the packhouse, I can't carry him to his house, it's too far and I don't have a car or any money on me.

This is my fault, I dragged my brother into this and now look at him; Bruised and hurt.

I take him into one of the rooms that no one stays in and I get the first aid box. I clean his face with a clean cloth. I clean his cuts and bandage them. I bandage his side and thankfully, the bruise wasn't a deep one. I remove his clothes until he's left with only his underwear. I know he won't be able to get in the shower so I just use a clean towel and clean his body and tuck him into bed. I stay with him in case he needs me or he wakes up in the night and needs anything.

I sit by his side and then I drift into sleep. But I could feel someone carry me to a bed and that's when I fall asleep beside someone.


Hola! Did you like this chapter? Because I loved it, in a way. So the thing is that Jacob doesn't know that Derrick is Camilla's brother. Derrick is the brother that Camilla was telling Luna Atissa about.

Who carried Camilla into a bed? Guess?

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