17 - He's Still Clueless

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"What do you want?" He says in a hostile voice.

I smile.

"Happy birthday," I say and stand up from the floor, I make my way towards him trying to hug him.

"Don't touch me," he says with a low growl.

I smile.

"In a week, you will officially become the Alpha of this pack and today is your birthday, I wanted to be the first to tell you since this is a special age for you, twenty-one. Happy birthday," I say and move.

"Thank you," he mumbled and tries to walk out.

"Do you hate me?" I ask him and sit on the bed.

"Why do you ask?" He says and sits on the couch.

"It might be the last time I do," I day with my eyes directly at him.

"Why is there blood on the ground?" he asks with furrowed brows.

"Because I want it there," I say. I stand up and sit on the ground, close to the blood.

"Do you hate me?" I repeat.

"I don't know, you remind me of someone I hate," he says.

"Who's the person?" I ask with my legs crossed like I'm meditating.

"Derrick," he says after a while.

"Oh, I'll tell you something about him but tell me, why do you hate him?"

"Because me touched my mate," he growls.

"Your former mate. She's dead. Literally," I say giving him tips about what I want to do, it's either he's clueless or he's ignoring the fact.

Or he doesn't care.

"What did you call me for? To give me an interview?" he asks, still sitting on the couch.

"It'll be the last," I say, giving him another tip.

And he's still clueless. Just some time. If I want to do this, then I deserve an explanation. I can't back down now, it's my last conversation, I'll make it worth it.

"You know, I was always enthusiastic about having a mate. I thought he would be my everything. Be the reason why living is worth living. My dad got killed by a rogue when I was eight, my mum couldn't handle the trauma so she ran away and now she's probably dead. It was just me and my brother. But my brother is dead now," I say. I'm surprised at myself. I never told anyone the full story, just parts and pieces.

"When you saw me with Derrick that day, did you ask me who he was to me? Did you ask me about him? Did you ask how I know him? What did you do, killed him immediately, right? I was so lost that night that I ran into his arms and he let me cry, he let me cry out all my pain. I thought he would comfort me and tell me to love my mate. I thought I could too, I thought I could love my mate. I guessed wrong, I can't, " I say, he knows I'm not done so he lets me continue.

"I died that day I rejected you, but I got revived by the moon goddess, we had a nice time together though, I still remember. I never broke the bond Jacob, it's still there, it was weak because of how much you hated me. It was your fault, not mine, yet you hit me countless times because of it. The day you caught me and Eric, didn't you sense that I was entering my heat? When I kissed him, did you know what or who I thought about? Did you ask why? Well mate, I thought about you. I thought I would forgive you, it'll be a start afresh, I wanted to tell you. And when I looked at Eric again, I didn't see him, I saw you, I thought it was real, so I did it, I kissed him, thinking about you." I explain, tears already falling out of my eyes. Jacob looked stunned by what I said, but mates always know when the other is lying, he knows I'm not lying.

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