22 - A Needle In Your Heart

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We live the forest and head to a restaurant with Lollies recipes, written boldly on it.

The smell of freshly made pancakes hit my nose and I'm sure Euphoria was drooling.

She rushes into the restaurant and orders about five pancakes with a lot of syrup and chocolate, slices of apples with it (not surprised) and a cup of apple juice.

I look at her weirdly and she defends herself by saying she hadn't eaten apples for a whole day and some hours.

Has a strange love for apples.

I order a coffee and go sit at a table. She sits and waits for the orders expectedly and when it arrives, the lively look in her eyes kinda made me feel bad. I kept her in prison when member of my pack touched her inappropriately.

It's not really her fault. She isn't going back to that cell, I'll make sure of that.

I watch her as she eats the pancakes, not so ladylike, she wasn't pretending when she said she was hungry.

I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Why are you laughing?" She says and  drinks her apple juice.

"You were really hungry huh?" I ask her.

"I left my pack without eating and I crossed this border. I got arrested and I refused to eat anything yesterday, I didn't eat this morning too. I have the right to be hungry," she says and dips the last of her pancake in chocolate.

"I'm sorry," I say to her.

"You've said that already. It's fine, this food made up for that. But if I see that dude again, I'll kill him," she says.

"I'm okay with that," I say and stand up after finishing my coffee. I drop some money on the table and Euphoria finishes her apple juice and stands up too.

"I'm coming here every day," she says.

"They have great apple juice, tastes very natural," she adds.

I nod my head and start walking down the street, it's already evening. How are these days going so fast?

"I want to go to the park, do you have one here?" She asks and I nod.

She smiles and holds my hand walking forward.

"Take me there. Now," she pouts and waits for me to start walking.

She's really childish. Cute.

"Let's go, princess," I joke at her.

"Don't call me that. That's what my best friend calls me, you're making me miss him," she says and leans her head on my arm.

She must be tired.

"We're here" I say and she stands straight. She let's go of my hand and runs forward, it was really empty, just the two of us and a couple who were already leaving.

She walks towards the swings and sits on one. I sit on the other and just look at the skies. It was a reddish orange colour. It was beautiful.

"I go to the park every evening with Ryan. We would stay to the evening and talk about anything and everything. We would stay till it's dark and he'll show me my parents' stars. We'll talk to stars, okay I'm the one who does that. But he won't judge, he'll listen and comfort me if I start crying. I miss him.....somewhat."

"That's nice. Is he- "

"Yes he is the demigod. He does have another name, but he was given an earthly name. He never really told me the name, I never really asked. After his mother gave birth to him, his father, I don't know his name, came and took him from her. He wiped her memory of him and her child. But he was only six, he remembered she gave him the name Ryan. He came back to Earth and found me. We became best friends and he's immortal. I'll probably grow old and die while he stays alive. But he promised me if I start growing old, he'll quicken my death and go back to the gods' realm to be with me. So technically, we are inseparable." She explains with a smile.

It's probably worth dying if she's dying with him.

He must mean so much to her, he'll quicken her death and meet her in the place beyond the skies.

Nice friendship.

"You two are really.....tight. You must love him?" I say and she turns her attention from the skies and looks at me. She arches an eyebrow at me.

"Oh...that's not what I mean...I mean...like...friendly love...is there a thing like that....I just meant- "

"I get it. I was just kidding. Chill Jacob," she says giggling.

I must look like a fool right now. Why did I fidget? That's very unusual.

"I must head back to the cell now. I'm tired. You can question me tomorrow, see ya," she says and stands up.

I hold her hand and she looks at me, weirdly, might I add.

"What?" She says, not rudely, just tired.

"You're not a prisoner, you're a guest. As compensation for what the border dude did, you can stay here until you want to leave to your pack." I say and let go of her hand.

I have a problem with touching women. I feel touching them, I could hurt them, I could break them. I won't hurt a woman. Never.

"You don't understand, do you? I'm not going back to my pack. I'm looking for new experience, I told them I was leaving, for good. So I don't think I want to burden your pack with me...or my pack, former pack," she says. There's a secret behind her words, like she's trying to hint me on something.

And I don't do good with hints. Just like how my mate hinted me, so many times about her death, did I get it, no, I didn't. And I let her die.

I feel a needle go through my chest.

Oh no! Its happening again.

I feel another, I scream out in pain and fall to my knees. It keeps on piercing me till I think I'm losing it. Then I hear her voice.


"Go now mate, don't come to me now. I'm always with you. Go back to your friend mate. Go now mate. She needs you. I need you. You'll see me really soon."


"I'm coming soon. You'll see me soon. Go to Earth, don't come here yet."

"I'm sorry"

"There is a needle in your heart. It's alright mate. I forgive you. Now I will remove the needle from your heart. She has pleaded  for you. She has begged for you. Now go back little mate."

"You're coming?"

"I'm already with you, I've been with you. But I'll come back and you'll see me and you'll be happy,"

"I love you,"

"I can't say the same. I don't know if I do. But I'll be back, but she won't know the truth, she'll be angry and she'll be mad. She won't remember, she will not be happy, she'll be heartbroken She'll rain hell on you and she'll leave you. I don't think she'll come back."

"Who is she?"

"You'll know soon, mate. Now go, go back to Earth,"

"Don't leave me, please. Please!"

"I'm always with you mate. I will come. But she'll be angry, she'll be mad, she'll leave you and I don't think she'll come back,"

Her voice whispers to me as she pushes me down the cliff. I don't know how long I fall, but when I'm coming back to Earth, I know it. I feel it.

I met my mate again. But this time she wasn't angry or sad, she forgave me and she said she's coming back.

But she said some person will be mad, angry and will leave. Who was she talking about?


Hello! Long chapter right? I know. She said she'll come back. And they'll be happy. But someone will be mad, who'll be mad and angry and leave?

Got an idea? Share it.

Thank you. Xoxo!

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